Join the community

Join the community

We encourage everyone to join the RoaringApps community - it's free and gives you extra privileges around the site.

Why should I Join?

Joining the RoaringApps community will give you a warm and fuzzy feeling. Oh, and you'll also be able to post in the forum, and you'll get your own profile page where you can follow your contributions and keep track of your favourite apps.

What's this thing?

RoaringApps is built with the poweful wiki publishing network, which means you need an account at to become a member of the site. But don't worry, all you have to do is click that big green button below and follow the sign-up process - you'll automatically become a member of the RoaringApps community.

When you sign up for a free account, you'll also be able to create up to 5 wikis of your own, with which you can do heaps of cool stuff. Pretty cool, huh?

Rightio, sign me up!

Okay, so you're good to go? Great! All you have to do is click that big green button below. Go on…