Anyone have any difficulty using MS Office 2008, specifically Entourage and Word with Lion?
Anyone have any difficulty using MS Office 2008, specifically Entourage and Word with Lion?
I have not tried this myself, but the applications in mac: Office 2008 should technically work with Lion; however, the installer requires Rosetta, which is not supported under Lion. Even if the applications work perfectly after the upgrade to Lion, you will not be able to reinstall them.
Entourage works fine. I use Office 2011 for Word, Excel & PowerPoint so I can't speak to how well the 2008 versions work.
The previous posters statement about the installer requiring Rosetta is not true. I did a clean Lion install and did a clean Office 2008 install. The installer worked fine for both versions 2008 & 2011.
I am having some difficulty with opening a .doc from MS 2008 that someone sent me from his MAC. Anyone having this issue? It is weird. It says "this file type is blocked"