App Compatibility Table

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App Name Version Developer Website Lion Status Mountain Lion Status Notes
DNSUpdate 2.8 Julien Jalon This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion.

Some problems that can be fixed, see this link:


All you need to do is:
Start the DNSUpdate install
Force quit it when it freezes up trying to install the Daemon
cd /Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo chown root:wheel org.dnsupdate.daemon.plist
Re-run the installer

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