Assassin's Creed II

Works fine in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Assassin's Creed II

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Assassin's Creed II icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

The game is set in the 21st century, with player-controlled protagonist Desmond Miles escaping from Abstergo Industries with an employee, Lucy Stillman, after being forced to relive the genetic memories of ancestral assassin Altaïr ibn La-Ahad through a machine known as the "Animus". After escaping from Abstergo, Desmond enters a device which is more advanced than the original Animus, the Animus 2.0, and relives the genetic memories of ancestral nobleman Ezio Auditore da Firenze, who lived during the Renaissance period of the late 15th century in Italy. The player controls Ezio, who becomes an Assassin after his father and brothers are murdered by a traitor to the Auditore family. While controlling Ezio, the player can explore game renditions of Italian cities, regions and landmarks in open world gameplay.

Version 1.0.1
Developer Ubisoft Montreal
Status Works fine

0 ratings

"On Mountain Lion, the game refuses to load and crashes immediately after the UPlay crap." - MacAppStore Version

I have the version from Mac Game Files - which updated once 10.8 was installed, but plays just fine on my 27" iMac i5 with 10.8.1

Archived comments

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[ Rishi]RishiAnonymous 16 Aug 2012 03:07

I bought AC2 from Steam. It worked for a while. And suddenly, it just wouldn't open. The application logo bounced in the dock until I quit the application. I solved this problem by going to this website:

If any of you are having the same problem, I hope this helps.


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[ Rishi]RishiAnonymous 16 Aug 2012 03:11

I should mention that I have Lion. I'm upgrading to ML. I'll update this forum afterwards.


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[ Darkoynx]DarkoynxAnonymous 20 Aug 2012 08:51

I installed AC2 on my mac from steam today and when i went to play it i couldn't use my mouse i only can use the up, down, left, right buttons on the keyboard, i need help, if i can't find help i just wasted money :\ Reply ASAP

(Using Mac OS X Version 10.6.8)

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[ CRDRC]CRDRCAnonymous 14 Oct 2012 12:05

The app not compatible with apple's new iOS6 update. Please work on fixing that and as quickly as possible! I love the apps you make Ubisoft but please let me play them to the full extent.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Reuben]ReubenAnonymous 15 Aug 2011 14:58


I'm having some weird color problems… Anyone who might know how to solve that?

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[ Hannes Schulz]Hannes SchulzAnonymous 06 Sep 2011 18:56

Hello, I bought assassins creed 2 in and have it installed on my imac. which ran until very Speil gut.Nach restarting the iMac, I wanted to play it again and opened it I came to the screen where you could choose between Story mode and so on. I wanted to click mode by looking into a mouse character assassins creed story was not the mouse pointer was in the top left corner and moved not . i finished the game and it deinstallirte it then reinstall it. When the installation was finished I clicked on the icon to play it just jumped and jumped back down and so all the time went so I end up on the bouncing icon and immediately went into the trash moved. My iamc lion running under 10.7.1 and has a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5. 4g DDR3 1333 MHz and a amd readon HD 6750 512 MB graphics card

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[ Alejandro]AlejandroAnonymous 23 Nov 2011 20:49

Same mouse problem

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[ Dhyan]DhyanAnonymous 20 Dec 2011 18:16

Same problem on OS X Lion. Assassin's Creed don't open!

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FuhrFuhrAnonymous 10 Jan 2012 13:38

Anyone found a solution to this bug?
I get the exact same error with the mouse stuck at the top left corner. When I click the mouse button I can hear that "error" sound, when mouse is out of focus!?

Worked one day, failed the next.

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[ kalas]kalasAnonymous 29 Jan 2012 19:29

I cant fix the mouse problem, , library unhidden, its just there is no folder "saved application state", I've tried searching through spotlight, I've tried searching file com.Ubisoft.AssassinsCreed2.savedState ass well, and I've tried to remove that file by using rm command in terminal.Didnt work.I'm kinda far in game now [using keybord only] but now Leonardo gave me experimental pistol which I can only access through weapon wheel which guess what?doesn't work with keyboard.I'm not able to pick pistol, nor dagger through weapon wheel using keyboard [belive me, I've tried many times] so I'm stuck.

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[ paul]paulAnonymous 08 Feb 2012 04:13

I'm having the very same challenge.I don't even waste my time with UBISOFT ,they are no help at all. As Kalas said "We are stuck".any help is appreciated

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