Should I Sleep

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Should I Sleep

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Should I Sleep icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Prevents display from sleeping by using FACE DETECTION and other sensors.


When the display is about to dim (due to keyboard and mouse inactivity), Should I Sleep will start its sensors. Camera, microphone all other software processing will stay on for only about 3 seconds. After that (and depending on your sensor preferences), sleep will be allowed or prevented. No need to touch any button.


Currently available sensors are Face Detection, Camera Motion, Sound Activity and External Display. The combination of sensors means that sleep can be automatically prevented in any of the following situations:

- Someone is facing the computer
- A moving target is captured by the camera
- Someone is talking close to the computer
- An external display is plugged-in


- Sleep prevention with unique heuristic sensors
- Timer mode for display and screensaver prevention
- Face detection - the most effective sensor - free
- Additional sensors available as affordable in-app purchases
- Blazing fast, 3-second, hardware-accelerated detection
- Mountain Lion's notification center integration
- Sensor sensitivity and accuracy fine-tuning
- Modular development approach (more sensors on the way)

Version 1.0.4
Status Works fine

0 ratings

10.7.3 or above

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