
Doesn't work in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

iConquer icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

iConquer is the original game of world conquest for the Mac. Take over every country on the map and eliminate your opponents to win. iConquer comes with gorgeous high-definition maps of cities, countries, continents and the world. Challenge yourself by playing against eleven kinds of computer players, or play your friends over the network. It is similar to the board game of RISK.

Version All versions 2.4.3 through version 4
Website http://www.kavasoft.com
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

All versions worked in 10.5.8 but none work in Lion or Mountain Lion. Not known if any version works in Snow Leopard.

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