[ SF]SFAnonymous 11 May 2012 16:00
Anyone know if this works on Mountain Lion developer previews? or if it will work when ML is released?
Works fine in 10.8
Works fine in 10.7
I'm putting the finishing touches on the all-new RoaringApps, with support for Mavericks & iOS 7.
Try it out now and help me squash some bugs.
Created by blueicee414 on 24 Feb 2011 18:37.
Last updated by Turbofoehn on 02 Sep 2013 06:38.
Supports iCloud
Secured by Gatekeeper
Supports retina graphics
14.2.4 | |
Microsoft | |
http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products | |
Works fine |
0 rating
According to Office for Mac Team, Version 14.2.3 is ML-compatible:
For enabling retina support you sometimes need to use the terminal command sudo touch and drag the office apps to the terminal window to complete the command. Repeat this step with every office app.
[ SF]SFAnonymous 11 May 2012 16:00
Anyone know if this works on Mountain Lion developer previews? or if it will work when ML is released?
[ SF]SFAnonymous 11 May 2012 16:00
Anyone know if this works on Mountain Lion developer previews? or if it will work when ML is released?
[ kmurray]kmurrayAnonymous 24 Jul 2012 22:11
Getting hang on "Setting Up Identity…"
Any advice?
[ hzh]hzhAnonymous 27 Jul 2012 01:50
it does't work on dp.
[ Patrick Eddington]Patrick EddingtonPGEddington 27 Jul 2012 13:50
Installed Mountain Lion last night on a brand new MB Pro. After install, Outlook 2011 refused to load/crashed/opened then froze. Happens every time at this point. Has anyone seen anything on Outlook 2011/Mountain Lion compatibility issues over the last 24 hours or so?
Thanks much,
[ AB]ABAnonymous 28 Jul 2012 11:21
I just upgraded to ML and also updated office with the latest releases. Word,Excel and Power Point all work fine.
[ foo]fooAnonymous 29 Jul 2012 17:05
had the same thing- worked fine after a while, I'm blaming the spotlight re-indexing. give it another try once spotlight's had a chance to catch up. everything sucked until it finished.
[ gbuzz]gbuzzAnonymous 30 Jul 2012 02:32
[ gbuzz]gbuzzAnonymous 30 Jul 2012 02:38
I can't get any of my ACTUAL comments to upload! Argh! I'll try again: I'm having the same issue. I'm on Snow Leopard. The crash occurs at "setting up identity" and I checked VPU usage and Spotlight doesn't seem to be the culprit…
[ gbuzz]gbuzzAnonymous 30 Jul 2012 03:38
Rebuilt Database Utility. All fixed!
[ juan i]juan iAnonymous 30 Jul 2012 16:31
Everytime i try to search on outlook it only shows emails after the day i installed mountain lion. Anyone know how i can enable the program to show all emails in my inbox?
[ NSO]NSOAnonymous 30 Jul 2012 20:56
Outlook is fine; Word, Excel, and Powerpoint all fail to launch (crash at "Updating Font menu: 0%). Tried restoring permissions, resolving duplicate fonts, deleting preference files in User->Library->Preferences, even a complete uninstall/reinstall had no effect.
[ evan]evanAnonymous 30 Jul 2012 22:39
im on brand new macbook pro.. just installed Mtn. lion yesterday and it freezes all the time and i get the beach ball of death on outlook.. even scrolling is super slow.
i unchecked everything in spotlight, tried the database rebuild.. still runs horrible.
i even reinstalled still very poor..
[ Guido]GuidoAnonymous 03 Aug 2012 03:55
Outlook 2011 for Mac does not work well on Mountain Lion.
After upgrading to Mountain Lion Outlook suddenly takes 2 minutes to load. Before the upgrade it loaded normal.
Apple blames this on MSFT, saying that they need to adopt it to 10.8.
[ DA]DAAnonymous 11 Aug 2012 17:00
I have installed the Office:Mac 2011 Home & Business. After Update from Microsoft Update (e. g. 14.2.3) works fine under OS X Mountain Lion.
[ LS]LSAnonymous 14 Aug 2012 03:58
After upgrade to ML, Word and Excel crash upon launch every time. Nothing I've tried has fixed this. I have installed the latest update (14.2.3). Have not tried Powerpoint or Outlook.
[ LS]LSAnonymous 14 Aug 2012 04:40
Update: PowerPoint crashes upon launch on ML for me as well.
[ stickman67]stickman67stickman67 18 Aug 2012 22:57
I found that it took quite a bit longer to open Word, Excel and PowerPoint (don't use Outlook) in Mountain Lion until I discovered (by accident) that there seemed to be two sets of preference files for Microsoft Office. One was in ~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft and the other was in ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/Preferences/Office 2011. I checked to see which had the oldest modification dates (which was in the first folder listed above, but I'd highly recommend checking for yourself) and ditched those. Now the apps are opening very much faster.
Not sure whether Mountain Lion has changed preference handling, or whether it was even back in Lion but that OS wasn't as sensitive to the problem. Either way, it worked for me.
Otherwise, Office 2011 seems to be working just fine with Mountain Lion.
[ Tom Craig]Tom CraigAnonymous 26 Aug 2012 12:31
After installing Office 2011 on a clean install of ML (I never ever do in place upgrades), I have had zero problems.
[ asarkar]asarkarAnonymous 03 Sep 2012 19:07
Mountain Lion (10.8.1) and Office 2011 (14.2.3) working in unison for about a week now, no complaints. I waited a month before upgrading after reading the problems people were having, guess the latest update fixed most problems.
Note: I do not use an Exchange account with Outlook, just my personal gmail accounts.
[ Daxx]DaxxAnonymous 10 Sep 2012 20:11
Works fine in 10.8.
[ Jeff Gautier]Jeff GautierAnonymous 11 Sep 2012 20:15
Issue on printing from MS Word for the only driver that still works with Deskjet 970cxi, since HP does not support it: PrintFab2:
workaround to make it work: delete file /Library/printers/ppd plugins/printfabpde.plugin
(source: http://www.kilburnlad.me/2012/08/printfab-2-mountain-lion.html)
hope this helps those who still have this excellent and robust inkjet printer.
[ Siobhan]SiobhanAnonymous 26 Feb 2011 17:15
Not true that Office 2011 "works fine" — there is at least one issue for sure in Outlook 2011:
Replies are always missing the content of the message being replied to, i.e. you have the header of the message being replied to below your reply, but it is otherwise completely blank.
[ Siobhan]Siobhanpyfgcrl 27 Feb 2011 05:41
Further on that note; constantly seeing this error in /var/log/system.log that was not there in 10.6:
Feb 26 23:38:52 system Microsoft Outlook[514]: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/EWS/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
[ Hussein]HusseinAnonymous 27 Feb 2011 15:48
Notice any problems with Word, Excel, or Powerpoint?
[ Bryan]BryanAnonymous 27 Feb 2011 16:40
Yea wondering about word, excel, and powerpoint.
[ dicx]dicxdicx 27 Feb 2011 20:34
For Outlook, pure text replies seem to work ok, but if the message had an image in it or any other type of formatting, then the message is not displayed on reply at least for me.
[ Josh]JoshAnonymous 28 Feb 2011 09:55
Haven't noticed any problems with excel and word. Although I haven't got round to trying powerpoint.
[ Ayo]AyoAnonymous 28 Feb 2011 16:27
Word keeps crashing every few minutes.
MakzanMakzanAnonymous 01 Mar 2011 01:48
So far I have no problem using Word.
May be I have not intensively use it yet. Will use it a lot when writing next chapter and report here if there is any problem.
PS. I'm upgrade from Snow Leopard instead of clean install.
[ Alex]AlexAnonymous 23 Mar 2011 11:07
I have a document with header/footer in Word. It crashes whenever I edit something in header/footer and exit to editing the content mode. The trick is to save before exiting and then reopen the document in content mode editing.
I don't know about 14.0.2 update, tested on 14.0.1.
[ ]Anonymous 19 Apr 2011 10:46
Using raw 14.0 Word, Excel seemed to open OK. Applied 14.1 and apps no longer launch and crash.
Office 2008 on the other hand seems to be working fine and launching OK across all apps.
[ Jarrad]JarradAnonymous 19 Apr 2011 13:16
Okay, having rolled back to 14.0 Office now works again. Do not upgrade to 14.1 if you have not and wish to use Office 2011 on Developer Preview 2.
Geoff ArnoldGeoff ArnoldAnonymous 09 Jun 2011 22:18
As of Preview 4 (11A480b) and Outlook 14.1.0, replies to messages with images are working fine for me.
[ Joe]JoeAnonymous 13 Jun 2011 07:03
Has problem with Microsoft Communicator on OS X 10.7 DP4:
Jun 13 15:00:29 apple Microsoft Communicator[4618]: librarian connection is invalid: Connection invalid
Jun 13 15:00:29 apple Microsoft Communicator[4618]: unable to get sandbox extensions: The operation couldn’t be completed. (LibrarianErrorDomain error 3 - The connection to the server is invalid.)
[ ]excelite 16 Jun 2011 22:09
Word, Excel, Powerpoint 14.1.0 seem to work fine on my DP4 install
[ kyian]kyianAnonymous 24 Jun 2011 07:26
works fine on os x lion dp4.
[ gham]ghamAnonymous 24 Jun 2011 17:48
Since when did IBM make Microsoft Office?
[ gottlnt]gottlntAnonymous 03 Jul 2011 17:38
hey guys, could you tell me how do you get Office 2011 to work on Lion? I have been trying to install it on a fresh Lion copy and the installer is always saying that it requires OS X 10.5.8 or later.
[ Splash]SplashAnonymous 06 Jul 2011 19:48
Communicator crashes also at my system after connecting to OCS 2007R2 when trying to write messages
[ Christina Warren]Christina Warrenfilm_girl 06 Jul 2011 21:20
Works for me in the GM. I haven't tested the apps extensively but opening files is fine and a clean install from the DVD went fine. Updating to SP1 was no problem either.
[ lbc]lbcAnonymous 11 Jul 2011 01:59
I'm sure there will be updates very soon for Office…
[ Preda]PredaAnonymous 12 Jul 2011 14:18
Any news on microsoft query?
[ miha]mihaAnonymous 13 Jul 2011 11:45
Outlook has problems on my GM lion. Importing accounts doesn't work at all. If I enter them manually i get:
"Outlook cannot connect to the server. Verify that your computer is connected to the network." Error 3263
I can connect to internet normaly, apple mail works just fine. I tried deleting profile, restoring profile, tried entering manually different mail accounts (exchange, gmail..) nothing works. Worked just fine on snow leo.
[ diff-chan]diff-chanAnonymous 14 Jul 2011 18:26
Microsoft Query appears to be a PPC app, so that's a no-go.
[ Zig]ZigAnonymous 14 Jul 2011 23:30
Does that mean the the entire Office 2011 for Mac won't work?
[ Philip]PhilipAnonymous 15 Jul 2011 03:19
Word crashes every couple minutes or so
[ Giz]GizAnonymous 18 Jul 2011 18:42
Office working OK for me except for Communicator. Got version 13.1.1 and it crashes when send a text msg. Seems there is a 13.1.2 version, not been able to find it yet. ABout to try 13.1.0, reports say this works
[ TS]TSAnonymous 20 Jul 2011 22:04
when will this be fixed?
Ive been hanging out waiting for Lion but rely heavily on Office 2011 for work…
Grrrrrr - anyone know?
[ rebkev]rebkevAnonymous 20 Jul 2011 23:28
word crashes at startup - can't use it at all
[ mike]mikeAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 05:02
updated snow leopard to lion today, Communicator version 13.1.0 works fine, Outlook works fine, word and excel and remote desktop too…
[ Paul]PaulAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 05:02
Installing Office stops me from logging back into Lion. Recreated several times on a fresh install today and Office is the only culprit. As soon as I install it and log out, it won't let me back in. I tried it with and without the service packs and it didn't change anything.
[ Jenn]JennAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 08:33
Word and Excel keep crashing. I can't open anything!
DavidDavidAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 09:27
Excel tables cannot be formatted properly … the formatting styles do not work
[ Giuliano]GiulianoAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 13:45
Word keeps crashing!!! Could not open excel !!
Nic PlumNic PlumAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 14:53
The file browser dialog doesn't allow the selection of files. I've encountered this when opening a Word document from Word (rather than Finder) and also when inserting a picture (workaround is to drag picture onto document).
[ therevjmc]therevjmcAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 18:10
After upgrading to OS X Lion spell check and the Thesaurus doesn't work in Word 2011. Even when I click on "check spelling" it does not find misspelled words.
Anyone else having this issue.
I did notice only "custom Dictionary" is listed in the dictionary section, don't know if this matters.
[ jlm]jlmAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 19:34
So uh… I can't even get them to install. Keeps crashing when trying to open the startup assistant. Am I doing it wrong?
[ Tom R]Tom RAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 22:34
I did install Lion today (via a clean install of Snow Leopard). So far so good with everything including Office 2011 - I'd contacted Microsoft support beforehand - they emailed back 'Tom, you can rest assured that Microsoft Office 2011 is compatible with OS Lion. This has been tested with our developers and the software is compatible with the New Mac OS and no issues have been found with the software as of yet'. - So that's straight from the horses mouth, as it were. I'll post any probs I do encounter.
[ TS]TSAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 23:37
This is what Microsoft told me:
[ Ronald Davis]Ronald DavisAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 14:27
I'm also getting CFURLCreateWithString errors throughout the Console log:
"Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/EWS/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead."
[ Andy Smith]Andy SmithAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 15:39
I've had about 10 crashes so far with Word 14.1.2, all seem to be related to pasting graphics.
I went through a document yesterday resizing about 40 screenshots to fit pages and the easiest way to do that of course is Cmd-X, Cmd-V since pasting causes it to fit to the page. Every 7 or 8 and I got beach balls and had to Force-Quit Word.
In the end I ended up saving, closing (because the recovery was losing some of the edits even after I saved it) and reopening the document every 5 or 6 pastes.
Aside from that it seemed pretty stable but that was a major annoyance.
[ j0nnymoe]j0nnymoe(account deleted) 22 Jul 2011 21:20
Any idea how I go about doing a fresh install of Office 2011? I get "Need 10.5.8 or newer" when selecting hard drive during install
[ Petr Sourek]Petr SourekAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 09:49
Word completely unresponsive :( 14.1.0
[ Andrew]Andrewawalp 25 Jul 2011 22:26
Until Microsoft releases a patch to fix the 'some problems' in Office 2011, I don't think it should be labeled as 'works fine', the news is currently full of headlines about Office 2011 and Lion compatibility problems.
No patches have been released as of 7/25/2011.
[ KMWAZ]KMWAZAnonymous 28 Jul 2011 02:19
Also the same problem in console : "CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' "
I think there is a problem.
[ KMWAZ]KMWAZKMWAZ 28 Jul 2011 02:22
I also am having the same error in the console "CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx'
I think something is broken.
[ Ron B]Ron BAnonymous 28 Jul 2011 14:21
Installed Lion yesterday and have been using Word all day with no problems, including lots of macros, customized key board shortcuts and over 100 auto texts. Works fine.
[ Pagepro]PageproPagepro 30 Jul 2011 10:53
Excel insists on opening several files at a time, rather than opening just the one asked for.
[ ]Anonymous 09 Aug 2011 10:03
I was in touch with Microsoft support in regards to the 3263 Outlook error message.
They could not help me and they will need to escalate the problem.
Has anyone had the same issue or could anyone solve it?
[ ]Anonymous 10 Aug 2011 20:57
issues with power point. when connecting to a projector and giving a presentation, some images files do not show on the screen. They appear fine if editing the file, but not when presenting.
Alex NAlex NAnonymous 11 Aug 2011 15:53
Microsoft has a regularly updated list of known issues that they are currently investigating in their 'knowledge base'. It's quite handy, especially since it lets you see which bugs are likely to be solved in the near future.
They also regularly update their blog with info on the topic:
[ Catherine Carr]Catherine CarrAnonymous 11 Aug 2011 20:55
Word crashes with simple pastes. Often. Wish I hadn't updated.
[ Rudy]RudyAnonymous 15 Aug 2011 17:49
should i download office 2011 before or after i download and run osx lion?
[ Doug A.]Doug A.Anonymous 18 Aug 2011 10:38
In my experience, Word freezes. A lot! We've resorted to manually saving files on-the-fly. But even that sometimes fails. It may appear that a file is saved, and saved again, and again, and again; but, after another freeze, none of the "saved" versions are to be found. :-(
[ Rob L.]Rob L.Anonymous 24 Aug 2011 09:22
I also get the outlook error message 3263, called Microsoft, though could not solve it.
Escalation in progress.
[ tall tenor]tall tenorAnonymous 31 Aug 2011 14:33
[ Nate K.]Nate K.Anonymous 20 Sep 2011 03:16
Hey, I love my Office 2011 for Mac except one thing. Every time that I attempt to use the audio notes section of Word to record the lectures I take notes on, the program will stop responding and stay frozen until I force close it and I would just love a solution to this problem. Please let me know.
[ PDigital]PDigitalAnonymous 22 Sep 2011 16:59
Why does it say "Works fine" above. After reading several forums and experiencing issues on my client's workstations, shouldn't this be set to something like "Not working"
I am currently experiencing the issues with the Console log. Not sure if this is related, but Outlook doesn't work great at all on LION. I have a brand new MacBook Pro, just got it a few days ago, installed Office 2011 for Mac and it is now stuck on Downloading (in the status bar) and will not go away. The console error is:
I receive this message about every second to a few times in a second.
Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/EWS/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
Does anyone know if this has anything to do with Outlook 2011 running slowly and possibly freezing the system?
bradhsbradhsAnonymous 07 Oct 2011 19:16
I'm getting that exact same error … Not only that, it is the #1 logged message out of all other application/systems on my Mac. To find out and filters messages in the Console click the button on the bottom-right (in console) and it will list top "Senders."
10/7/11 12:09:12.663 PM Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/EWS/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
[ Nathan Alden]Nathan AldenAnonymous 08 Oct 2011 16:47
Can someone correct/merge the duplicate entries for this program?
[ Maria ]Maria **Anonymous** 09 Oct 2011 14:42
My audio notes continue crashing or deleting randomly
[ Tim]TimAnonymous 10 Nov 2011 15:25
I'm getting the same error on my bosses computer…who I convinced to jumping into the mac arena….anyone have any ideas?
I think it has something to do with the mail settings? He's on exchange, has outlook 2011 installed but the programs use the apple mail client when sending mail by default.
I have set the properties to use Outlook but I think I'm missing something.
The only other thing is that we are on a domain and I'm not 100% sure if I brought the mac into the domain correctly?
[ mike]mikeAnonymous 16 Nov 2011 15:45
Audio notes is unusable. Please address this! Such a handy feature that I cannot use…
[ Susan]SusanAnonymous 11 Dec 2011 02:16
I keep being told that my disk is full and Word can't save this file. If I quit, I get rid of it, but it keeps coming back!
[ Joe ]Joe **ngc4900** 31 Dec 2011 23:17
Does anyone know if 14.1.4 work?