
Unknown in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

PortsMonitor icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

PortsMonitor is a system utility for monitoring system TCP/IP network connections by application, and connections' status. Also UDP, ICMP is supported.

✔ Monitor all system connections and open ports
✔ Use color indicate item status, Green for new connection, Yellow for state changed, Red for removed connection
✔ Growl notifications for new connection
✔ View remote IP information with map (Powered by geoiptool.com)
✔ Whitelist for Growl notifications
✔ Auto refresh connections and ports
✔ Show port name, for example http for 80
✔ Reveal application in finder or terminate app
✔ Filter connections by connection type, IPv4 or IPv6
✔ Filter connections by protocol type, TCP or UDP
✔ Hide connections does not have a remote address
✔ Filter connections by keywords

Version 1.2.0
Developer Jiang Hong
Website http://tickplant.com/
Status Unknown

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