Dragon Dictate

Some problems in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Dragon Dictate

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Dragon Dictate icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Dragon Dictate lets you accomplish more on your Mac than you ever thought possible. Input text just by speaking – up to three times faster than typing – and interact with your favorite Mac applications using only your voice. Built from the ground up for Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Dragon Dictate helps you create reports, email, articles, books, research notes, online content, and more – quickly, easily and accurately. It's Simply Smarter Speech Recognition for the Mac.

0 ratings

Crashes all the time does not work at all

Archived comments

No comments.14 comments

[ Virginie]VirginieAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 11:44

Dragon Dictate 2.5.2 (French) is working fine with OSX Lion (1.7.5) both in French and English.

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[ Jean Grossholtz]Jean GrossholtzAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 17:41

I am using Dictate on my iPhone 4s… I can dictate fine and process the message. I can then send it to myself via email. WHat I cannot figure out is how to "copy it" and paste it into Notes.

I can copy but I can not find a Paste button in NOtes?

it is a great program for my purposes and works well.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ ]autentic 22 Jul 2011 08:21

Works for the german version.

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[ fdtd]fdtdAnonymous 24 Jul 2011 12:07

crashing intermittantly whether actually dictating or not: has automatically sent bug reports to nuance.

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BorisBorisAnonymous 29 Jul 2011 15:41

Crashes on start-up under Lion. This seems to be a Lion issue as 2.03 also fails in a similar fashion. Lesson learned: don't be a first adopter of an OS upgrade.

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[ David]DavidAnonymous 06 Aug 2011 17:00

Newest version, 2.5, supposed to be worse on Lion than pre-2.5 version. My upgrade failed miserably, but I'm able to limp with older version.

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EtherealMindEtherealMindAnonymous 15 Aug 2011 14:36

Disaster from start to finish. Version 2.5 supposed to be compatible, but crashes on first start but continues on second start. Focus shifts around screen, dictation pauses constantly.

Dragon support are missing in action. Hopeless as usual.

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[ David]DavidAnonymous 24 Aug 2011 14:37

version 2.5.1 has been out for 7 days. No comments about it — has anyone seen if it's better on Lion than 2.5?

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drjohnfdrjohnfAnonymous 05 Sep 2011 03:58

Dragon 2.5 works fine with Lion and appears to be absolutely reliable - if you dictate into Dragon's Notepad (then copy/paste into your document).

Dictating into Firefox starts out fine, but then you end up getting a lot of garbage words getting added.

Dictating into Safari is a little better, but if you dictate into a browser - all the "b"'s in words get mysteriously left out of the words. Also - forget using Dragon if you are simultaneously using TextExpander. It is heartbreaking to have to choose between both of these fine apps.

Dictating into Word appears to work fine (again, you have to disable Text Expander), and dictating into Mail appears to work fine if you also disable text expander.

The iPhone remote microphone app appears to work really well - but if you switch locations (ie. go from home to office) - which means switching wireless routers/networks - you have to basically go into the iPhone app and search for your computer under settings manually in order to connect to it for the remote Mic function.

Overall, it is useable if you get enough functionality out of the program to figure out ways around its quirks with 10.7. Hopefully ,the fine folks at Nuance will post some helpful updates soon. This software - for all its quirks - saves me at least 5 hours per week.

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[ patb]patbAnonymous 15 Sep 2011 17:49


Here it is in full:

Working with Mac OS X Lion

Apple released its latest operating system, OS X 10.7 (Lion), in July 2011. Since many of our Dragon Dictate and MacSpeech Scribe users may choose to upgrade to this operating system, we feel it is important to let you know how this Mac OS update will affect your version of our software.

Dragon Dictate 2.0 Customers

At this time, our testing suggests that customers can effectively use Dragon Dictate 2.0 after upgrading to the new OS X Lion. Users can continue to use existing functionality without interruption. You can activate and run Dragon Dictate 2.0 without additional upgrades from Nuance.

MacSpeech Dictate 1.5 Customers
At this time, our testing suggests that customers can effectively use MacSpeech Dictate 1.5 after upgrading to the new OS X Lion. Users can continue to use existing functionality without interruption. You can activate and run Dragon Dictate 2.0 without additional upgrades from Nuance.

MacSpeech Scribe Customers
MacSpeech Scribe is not supported on Mac OS X 10.7. Although Scribe may load, using the product with OS X Lion may result in limited or incomplete functionality. If you wish to continue transcribing audio files most effectively, we encourage you to maintain a supported operating system, specifically Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Nuance is investigating the changes within OS X Lion to determine an alternate solution for Scribe customers.

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[ pat b]pat bAnonymous 15 Sep 2011 17:50


I checked the nuance forum page, lets say it's a mixed bag, some people have been very successful, and others have had nothing but trouble. I"d love to upgrade to Lion, but i can't until 2 critical apps are ported

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[ Renate]RenateAnonymous 28 Sep 2011 23:24

Humm I just asked a member of staff (via the chat now button on their website) if I could use MacSpeech Scribe on a Mac with Lion OS X and I was told: yes. It seems contradictory to the post by patb :s So now I'm sort of doubting their advise from the chat.
Could someone make clear what the difference between dictate and speech is? Because I can't get a clear answer from their website. (I'm only looking for a program that types what I say, but still it would be nice to know between what I'm choosing).

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[ Joe Patil]Joe PatilAnonymous 27 Nov 2011 02:21

Dragon dictate version 2.5.1 doesn't seem to work with snow leopard os 10.6.8 as far a my 2GHZ intel duo core mac pro laptop is concerned. Any one with this difficulty?

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MatthiasMatthiasAnonymous 03 Dec 2011 11:03

I work with Dragon Dictate 2.5.2 and Snow Leopard 10.6.8 in a German Version. It does not crash as often as earlier version but still crashes about once a day, usually when I correct mistakes in a dictated text within the program itself. The number of crashes still increases if I use my old AOL software. AOL software seems to be incompatible to Dragon Dictate.

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