EndNote X5

Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

EndNote X5

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

EndNote X5 icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version 5.0
Developer Thomson Reuters
Website http://www.endnote.com/
Status Some problems

0 ratings

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[ SF]SFAnonymous 11 May 2012 16:04

Anyone know if this works on Mountain Lion developer previews? or if it will work when ML is released?

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[ Adam Bryant]Adam BryantAnonymous 27 Jul 2012 02:02

I have found that Endnote X5 is crashing and essentially unusable on Mountain Lion. Most specifically, doing a PubMED search causes it to crash. I hope it is fixed.

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[ S Rothman]S RothmanAnonymous 02 Aug 2012 02:00

I second Adam's concern. EndNote X4 and X5 both crash immediately when doing a PubMed search. I love Mountain Lion, but this is a huge problem

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[ Thomas H]Thomas HAnonymous 03 Aug 2012 06:30

Apart from pub med searches, does general citation import and cite while you write work?

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[ doris]dorisAnonymous 10 Aug 2012 02:21

is it possible to go back to lion??? please! I need endnote!

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[ WDC88]WDC88Anonymous 15 Aug 2012 13:11

Per the Thomson-Reuters website: EndNote X6 for Mac will be released in September 2012 and will be compatible with MacOS 10.8.x.


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[ sniperdong]sniperdongAnonymous 23 Aug 2012 21:51

Hi, i've been having some issues with endnote on 10.8x as well. This is what solved the issue:

1. System Preferences
2. Go into 'Network'
3. Click on the 'Advanced' tab for your active connection
4. Click on the 'Proxies' tab and uncheck both 'Auto Proxy Discovery' and 'Automatic Proxy Configuration'
5. Click 'Ok' and 'Apply'

It should work after this. Best of luck!

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[ wes]wesAnonymous 05 Oct 2012 18:48

I just barely upgraded to Mountain Lion (all the way from Snow Leopard). Using EndNote X5 and Word 2008. I have a different problem than described above. Endnote works fine (importing from Pubmed included), but when I go to insert the citation into a word doc, the "formatting bibliography" window shows up and shows no progress. If I delete a reference from the document, same thing. I uninstalled Endnote and reinstalled - same problem.

I have noticed that Word 2008 likes to crash on ML though (and other than this Endnote problem, everything else seems to work fine on ML). So I'm a bit suspicious that the bigger problem is Word 2008.

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[ AQL]AQLAnonymous 16 Oct 2012 00:00

wes, I just started experiencing the same exact problem today. Have you found any fix for this or we all going to have to upgrade to X6?

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[ rd2]rd2Anonymous 01 Nov 2012 18:36

I am getting the same exact problem: WOrd for Mac 2008, Mountain Lion, Endnote X5 - crashing all over the place. Any help!?

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[ Paul]PaulAnonymous 02 Nov 2012 14:18

Just to add my name to the list of people where endnote X5 hangs on "formatting bibliography".

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RevolverPietRevolverPietAnonymous 07 Nov 2012 18:28

I had / have the same problem. There is a temporary fix, check out this website:


Good luck!

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[ Andrew]AndrewAnonymous 08 Nov 2012 18:18

I had the "formatting bibliography" hang problem with Endnote X4.0.2 and the most recent Office update to Word 14.2.4. Downgrading to 14.2.3 fixed it for me.


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