
Unknown in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

ExtendSim icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

ExtendSim is a powerful, leading edge simulation tool. Using ExtendSim, Develop dynamic models of real-life processes in a wide variety of fields. Use ExtendSim to create models from building blocks, explore the processes involved, and see how they relate. Then change assumptions to arrive at an optimum solution. ExtendSim creates professional models that meet business, industrial, and academic needs. Creates 2D and 3D animations of the resulting models.

Version 8
Website http://www.extendsim.com/
Status Unknown

0 ratings

The ExtendSim application and its many libraries of blocks are the result of 23 years of programming and enhancements and contain millions of lines of code. We are currently rewritting ExtendSim in a newer development environment that will natively support Intel-based Macs. While we don't have a definite date when this process will be completed, we will keep you informed. Contact Imagine That Inc. for other options.

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