Noteburner Audiobook Converter for Mac

Unknown in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Noteburner Audiobook Converter for Mac

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Noteburner Audiobook Converter for Mac icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

NoteBurner Audiobook Converter for Mac is specially designed for Mac users to convert both DRM protected and DRM free audio books to unprotected MP3, AAC. This AA to MP3 Converter records audio streams in the background at 5X speed and keep output MP3 with ID tags preserved. It's also an AA to AAC which allows you to convert audio book to DRM free AAC with both ID tags and chapters information preserved.

Version 1.5.5
Developer Zibity
Status Unknown

0 ratings

The current version is compatible with Mac lion and iTunes 10.5.
The format it supports: m4a, m4b, .aa, .aax

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