Logic Express

Some problems in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Logic Express

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Logic Express icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Create your own music using an advanced spectrum of features and tools for computer based music production. Logic Express provides a step up from GarageBand for aspiring musicians, producers and composers without breaking the bank. With the same flexible layout as Logic Pro, you can dive deeper into the creation and manipulation of audio and MIDI.

Version 7.2.3
Developer Apple
Website http://www.apple.com/logicexpress
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Ran with no problems.

Archived comments

No comments.5 comments

s3anists3anistAnonymous 26 Jul 2012 16:02

Works fine on OSX ML - a few Sonalksis plug ins like TDK midi are now unavailable but all working as normal

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Lion (10.7) Comments

Tad DeLay Tad DeLay **Anonymous** 21 Jul 2011 15:41

does anyone know if Lion is compatible with Logic Express (v. 8.0.2)?

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TwanTwanAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 18:04

I'm curious for this as well!

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MacintoshhelperMacintoshhelpermacintoshhelper 22 Jul 2011 15:40

Version 9.0.0 will not open on Mac OS X Lion 10.7.0 build 11A511. Updated version might work, will try updating.

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[ James]JamesAnonymous 11 Sep 2011 02:36

Logic Express 8.0.2 is not officially supported but it can be run easily by right-clicking on Logic Express in Applications folder and select Show Package Contents and navigating to Contents>MacOS and running the Logic Express Unix Executable file yourself. It works fine, albeit with a terminal window in the background that doesn't interfere with your use of the program.

Why Apple chose to put this error message up and steer customers towards an unnecessary upgrade I cannot say, but it looks sinister to me. Very disappointing from Apple to say the least.

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