[ kathy]kathyAnonymous 24 Feb 2012 00:50
is there still no fix to the minimap issue?
Some problems in 10.8
Some problems in 10.7
I'm putting the finishing touches on the all-new RoaringApps, with support for Mavericks & iOS 7.
Try it out now and help me squash some bugs.
Created by Rolandius on 10 Mar 2011 07:03.
Last updated by Anonymous on 07 Nov 2015 04:50.
Supports iCloud
Secured by Gatekeeper
Supports retina graphics
1.2.6a | |
Blizzard Entertainment | |
http://www.blizzard.com/games/war3/ | |
Some problems |
0 rating
ReQuired to be installed on OS X 10.6 and updated to 1.26a, then works fine :)
Cannot perform new install on 10.7.
[ kathy]kathyAnonymous 24 Feb 2012 00:50
is there still no fix to the minimap issue?
[ ayan]ayanAnonymous 24 Feb 2012 00:51
has the minimap issue been fixed?
[ ricky]rickyAnonymous 24 Feb 2012 05:48
Same problem with minimap, fix it plz!
[ please tell me ]please tell me **Anonymous** 04 Mar 2012 03:31
i have some question anybody help me please i just bought the war craft 3 cd i want install but my computer not installing because my computer is mac ox lion how to install this cd???
[ Kreisher]KreisherAnonymous 18 Mar 2012 22:46
Same problem as everyone else - Blacked out menus and minimap. Please help bliz
[ michael]michaelAnonymous 22 May 2012 14:55
im in the philippines… i dont know where to buy WC3 Roc and TFT … :)) could u guys sned me a CD or disk ?? please… :)
[ Bob_lovesyou]Bob_lovesyouAnonymous 08 Jun 2012 00:11
Can someone please make a "App" that allows us to change the CD-key on mac because some how someone else got my CD-key and now i can't play online. PS i bought Both versions with their CD-key's. I have the new CD-key now :( Please Help
[ Tomas]TomasAnonymous 11 Jul 2012 18:17
On mac
[ Tomas]TomasAnonymous 11 Jul 2012 18:20
On mac os x 10.8 RoC worked with black menus , TFT crashed at startup . Air 2011
DomdemoulinDomdemoulinAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 11:57
W3 does not work at all on my iMac.
How come that you list it as working???
[ Simon]SimonAnonymous 26 Jul 2012 01:30
Warcraft 3 no longer able to install under Mountain Lion for reasons that "Mountain Lion no longer support PowerPC Applications". While first upgraded to Mountain Lion, launching Warcraft 3 crashes the system.
[ kamejin]kamejinAnonymous 28 Jul 2012 01:46
was able to play warcraft 3 on mountain lion
[ kamejin]kamejinAnonymous 28 Jul 2012 02:13
ROC works fine but TFT crashes. Already have the 1.26 patch applied
[ kamejin]kamejinAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 10:30
TFT now works. seems like there was just a problem the last time I copied the folder.
[ hardrock]hardrockAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 13:35
I have a macbook air. with snowleapord installed in it. How do I install World of Warcraft 3 and tFT in it? Please help me guys! can someone take me through all the steps? also from where can I download the game? any torrent or something?
[ Cassidy]CassidyAnonymous 05 Aug 2012 00:09
I found my 13" Macbook had issues with the minimap whilst my friend had no problem with it on a 17". Also installed on an iMac without an issue (all with 10.7). All of these were off the same file copy and pasted from an older iMac (10.6). I'm wondering how many people having issues with the minimaps have a 13". Just throwing that out there.
Fred from AntibesFred from AntibesAnonymous 05 Sep 2012 19:54
On 10.8 RoC works, but TFT gives an error message that it is only able to work on PowerPC.
I did the install from a 10.6 Mac then copy all files to my 10.8 Mac.
Is there any way to start TFT ?
[ Todd]ToddAnonymous 09 Sep 2012 02:54
How do you install the DMG on Mtn. Lion since it is a PPC app?
[ Alex]AlexAnonymous 04 Dec 2012 05:04
Wineskin on the latest engine and version both work fine. Running on Mac OSX Lion
EliotEliotAnonymous 11 Dec 2012 08:20
I have black menus and black minimap can someone help
[ Pyro]PyroAnonymous 28 Jun 2011 06:52
What is about the addon "The Frozen Throne"?
This isn't working too?
tnx for comments
[ Eugenio]EugenioAnonymous 01 Jul 2011 15:32
Both TFT and RoC works..
We can use lion then :D
[ Pyro]PyroAnonymous 02 Jul 2011 10:42
This is great!
Dota is save :D
[ Arthas]ArthasAnonymous 11 Jul 2011 09:49
They do not work out of the box because at least the RoC installer is still PowerPC only and since Rosetta was removed, you can't even install Warcraft 3 on Lion :(
[ Rolandius]RolandiusRolandius 12 Jul 2011 06:09
The patches are Universal – if that helps.
[ Dé]DéAnonymous 20 Jul 2011 21:18
I don't understand - do they work or don't they???
@Arthas: if I already have them installed on Leopard, does that mean i can play?
[ Pete]PeteAnonymous 20 Jul 2011 23:54
I don't have lion yet, so I can't check, but does this mean that the CDs dont work, but if you download it through battle.net it works?
[ Shoji]ShojiAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 01:34
Anyone know the answer?
[ gandralf]gandralfAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 04:04
O WC3 (Reign of Chaos) funciono. O Frozen Throne é que não rolou.
JeremyJeremyAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 09:25
Just register your CD key with Blizzard, and you can download a full Universal installer. You DO have a legal CD key, right?
[ Dé]DéAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 13:10
@Jeremy Yes i do, thank you for the answer! I'm ready to download Lion now. Lol
I will write back telling if it worked.
[ Niver]NiverAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 05:11
I downloaded Lion and played some DotA, but my minimap and menus are blacked out, anyone else experiencing this?
[ BaconK]BaconKAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 11:25
Even with freshly downloaded installers it's not running!
[ Shoji]ShojiAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 18:04
I'm playing the Frozen Throne with no problem. To install I had to download from battle.net
[ BradW]BradWAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 18:25
if you upgrade from Snow to Lion and already have RoC/TFT installed, it will run no problem.
I did a clean install with SL and then Lion and tried to install RoC it wouldn't work. I have yet to try downloading and then installing, ill do that another day.
Niklas KorzNiklas KorzAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 12:37
Of course you can download an installer from www.battle.net by registering your key.
But I have to mention that this installer is NOT universal. It's PowerPC only so it won't work on Lion at all.
[ Nate]NateAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 15:25
The Frozen Throne won't work with Lion but I noticed RoC does.
[ eric]ericAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 17:40
Yeah I just upgraded from SL with them already installed and updated and it seems to work fine. I did try installing after a clean install of Lion and that was a nono, saying Rosetta was absent. I didn't know there was a universal installer though…..
[ cloony]cloonyAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 12:55
I upgraded to Lion with tft already installed and I am able to run the game, but the menus and the minimal are blacked out. Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
Crystal MaidenCrystal MaidenAnonymous 30 Jul 2011 00:35
Just to clear some things up:
1.) Both the RoC *and* TFT Installer are still PowerPC Apps (i.e. they're not Universal Binaries, so they won't run on Intel Macs without Rosetta, which is not available in Lion)
2.) Installing the Game on Snow Leopard with Rosseta and patching it at least to version 1.21 (1.26 is current) makes it an Universal Binary
3.) which should work fine on Lion according to this -> http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=27813861503&sid=3000
[ unfriendly lion]unfriendly lionAnonymous 28 Aug 2011 13:40
I too am looking for a solution to the blacked out problem when running War3 natively on Lion.
It seems there is no solution now.
Good news is that I have found a workaround using Wineskin 2.4 with WS7wineCXG10.1.1.
Create a new wrapper for ROC or TFT. Install a brand new copy and patch it with 1.26a. After that, you can play standalone or connect to Battlenet.
All works quite well for me until the native version is patched.
I need not bootcamp to Win 7 to run my War3 now.
[ rodrigo]rodrigoAnonymous 05 Sep 2011 22:40
So…. can someone make a step by step to install War both RoC and FT from Scratch to a Lion Computer.
[ hubert]hubertAnonymous 08 Sep 2011 01:29
i followed the wineskin, but when i ran the game it gave me some lines like a ghetto 60s game in TRON and i can hear sounds and everything works but seeing it properly
[ Ben]BenAnonymous 15 Sep 2011 12:29
I have managed to install both RoC and TFT onto a Lion Computer from scratch, and can run DotA. Network appears to be out, but maybe that's just me.
You will need the following:
20g spare space, and a lot of time
2 valid serial numbers, and the two client downloads from Blizzard AND the latest TFT patch (which is also downloadable from http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/war3x/patches/Mac/ )
A copy of Leopard or Snow Leopard (e.g. old install disks).
VirtualBox (free download)
On VirtualBox, add a new "Mac Serve", with all the default settings.
(NEW; OS = Mac OS X, version = Mac OS X Server)
Start the new box, with the L/SL DVD inserted - if you are lucky you should get that loading up and taking you through the install a new box routine.
It is highly likely that the installer cannot find a hard drive - don't worry, use the Disk Utility on the boot drive (it's a menu option) to create a new partition on the drive that will be visible (it's supplied by VirtualBox).
When you have installed the OS, you don't need to import any settings or anything - just get through to the finder. (After several hours) You now have a virtual machine - it won't run very much, and you cannot play (no opengl) - don't worry, this is all just for installation purposes.
Now, using the virtual machine install (in order) RoC, TFT, and the patch.
Enable sharing to your normal (Lion Drive), and copy the entire folder from the virtual drive onto your drive.
If you have done everything properly both ROC and TFT are now playable. If you haven't done the patch, only ROC will be playable.
[ Ben]BenAnonymous 15 Sep 2011 12:39
Just to be clear, the game is playable on Lion - the virtual box is ONLY for installation and patching.
Likewise, you need to enable sharing before you install, in order to reach the installers and the patch (maybe it's obvious, but hey). Also, this was a completely new installation from raw.
Also, where I say "install a new box routine" I mean "install a new OS onto a box routine".
Maybe someone can turn the process into a nice picture by picture web page (rodrigo?!)
[ Anthony]AnthonyAnonymous 22 Sep 2011 10:52
I get the blacked out mini map and time/clock problem too, it makes the game unplayable! Can you fix this blizzard?, it should be a piece of cake to fix the mini map issue.
I don't care about the menus as it has no effect on the actual game
[ Angga]AnggaAnonymous 13 Oct 2011 19:12
I have it installed when I still on Snow Leo and when I upgraded to Lion, I can still play it so yeah if you have it already installed before Lion then yes you can still play it
KevinKevinAnonymous 23 Oct 2011 00:17
After updated the Warcraft 3 to 1.26a, I can play dots normally with lion :)
[ scriptor]scriptorAnonymous 09 Nov 2011 16:05
so, does this mean that if i had a lion computer, i cant install RoC if i do not possess the previous OS versions? I'm having a huge problem trying to install RoC and TFT into my lion computer. would really really be glad if anyone can help me!
[ DAve Jason]DAve JasonAnonymous 13 Nov 2011 14:01
try CROSSOVER GAMES very simple. mount and your good to go.
[ Daniel]DanielAnonymous 21 Nov 2011 00:07
I get the following error when I boot to the DVD using VirtualBox:
hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000
PAE enabled
HPET enabled on your system
enabling INTEL features
Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Sun Mar 2 00:11:08 SCT 2008; made by ToH:xnu-1228/BUILD/obj/RELEASE_1386
standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
vm_page_bootstrap:254163 free pages and 7981 wired pages
mig_table_max_displ = 79
HTT: 2 cores per package; 2 logical cpus per package
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x00431D2D): “Unable to find driver for this platform: \”ACPI\”.
Debugger called <panic>
Backtrace, Format – Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x1a78bdd8 : 0x12b0e1 (0x45833c ox1a780c 0x133285 0x0)
0x1a78be28 : 0x431drd (0x49d750 ox1e8f720 0x1ed8b80 0x1a78be58 0x1effc00)
0x1a78be48 : 0x40fd2e (0x1ed8b00 0x1eb86b80 0x1 0x3ea6c0)
0x1a78bea8 : 0x411bc3 (0x1ed8b80 0x1ed8b00 0x1effc80 0x0)
0x1a78bf28 : 0x411427 (0x1ed8b80 0x1effd00 0x8 0xffffffff)
0x1a78bf78 : 0x4100a3 (0x1ed8b80 0x0 0x1a78bfac 0x1)
0x1a78bfc8 : 0x19f3cc (0x1e8f590 0x0 0x1a20b5 0x1eef8b8)
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Unknown
Mac OS version:
Not yet set
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Sun Mar 2 00:11:08 SCT 2008; made by ToH:xnu-1228/BUILD/obj/RELEASE_1386
Any thoughts?
[ ]Irdane 12 Dec 2011 14:08
Installing Snow Leopard onto an external HD - I partitioned mine first, about 20GB are more than enough for a SL install (I use 50GB, just to be safe) - is much easier and faster to use than the way using VirtualBox.
I made a disk image from my Mac OS X 10.6 Install DVD and used Disk Utility to restore this image to an USB stick. With booting from this stick it took me about 15 minutes to install SL onto my external HD - including prior preparation of my external HD.
Handy when You intend to play older games other than Warcraft III as well.
On Lion, everything works fine for me when playing the game btw.
[ Nick]NickAnonymous 20 Dec 2011 04:10
I used wineskin and WS8wineCXG10.1.1 as the wrapper. I installed warcraft lll and it runs great. It took me days to figure out how to get it on my mac since I am running the Lion
[ Adi]AdiAnonymous 20 Dec 2011 14:59
I have managed to install War in on a Mac OS X 10.6 virtual machine and then I've copied it to my laptop running 10.7. It's working but I still have the menus and the minimap black - which is really annoying. Any thoughts on that? Cheers
[ karanik]karanikAnonymous 25 Dec 2011 16:13
I have installed war3 on leopard , i make update and i take it on lion.
I play normally except menu & map (on game) which view black.
Can fix this ?
[ andreas]andreasAnonymous 11 Jan 2012 21:12
how do i get warcraft on my mac osx lion??
[ Narquadah]NarquadahAnonymous 14 Jan 2012 19:08
there is no need to use wineskin. you could also install os x Snow Leopard server in VMWare and install and patch warcraft and then copy it back to lion and have fun.
[ alfin]alfinAnonymous 21 Jan 2012 05:26
i have peoblem about mini map. sometimes mini maps goes black at TFT. but i can play well without black mini map at ROC. i no have any idea it's happen. this make the game unplayable. battle.net work fine. just mini maps problem.
i'm using VMware to run mac os x 10.5.5. install warcraft 3 on them using installer from Blizzard website. patch the lates 1.26a. and copy folder at Application "Warcraft III" into my Mac Os X Lion Macbook Pro early 2011.
So any solution? Blizz?
jackson solutionsjackson solutionsAnonymous 13 Feb 2012 18:09
Please solve the mini-map problem. It is unplayable without the minimap.