Phoenix Firestorm Viewer

Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Phoenix Firestorm Viewer

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Phoenix Firestorm Viewer icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

First, what is the Phoenix Firestorm Viewer all about? Firestorm is the next generation viewer produced by us; it is based off of Linden Lab's V2 code base but with a focus on making it V1 familiar. It's focus is to provide you with a smaller learning curve and an easier transition from V1 to V2. However, while that has been our focus it is important to mention that it still does have a learning curve, it is not exactly the same as V1 or the Phoenix Viewer. Because of this we have gone to great lengths to provide you with tutorial videos and extensive documentation which we HIGHLY encourage you to have a look at. It will take some getting used to, but if you give it a chance you'll find it will quickly feel very comfortable for full time use.

Developer Phoenix Viewer Project Inc.
Status Some problems

0 ratings

On Mountain Lion, should work fine unless you have an ATI/AMD graphics adapter in your Mac. The Mountain Lion ATI driver doesn't work with this or the Linden Lab Second Life viewer.

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Tonya SoutherTonya SoutherAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 21:27

Firestorm 4.1.1 is light-years ahead of the versions available in December and January. They should work fine for you.

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[ Sly]SlyAnonymous 28 Jul 2012 16:08

I just installed Mountain Lion and tested the release of Firestorm. Regarding the comment that it will not work with the ATI driver; I have an ATI Radeon 4870 on my early 2009 Mac Pro and Firestorm runs fine.

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[ ]Irdane 06 Aug 2012 06:52

The same for me, Mac Pro (early 2009) and ATI Radeon 4870. Works perfect without any problems on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Sin]SinAnonymous 10 Dec 2011 03:32

The release crashes all the time. So many times per session I get this fatal error usually to do with memory allocation and crash to desktop. The beta didn't do this…the Release does.

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[ tigs]tigsAnonymous 06 Jan 2012 22:24

yeah same and many others getting this error too. In fact I am yet to find a version of firestorm or phoenix which doesn't crash several times a day no matter how many times I change settings or do a clean install as the devs suggest. Finally they will come out with submit a ticket. i don't have 10 gig memory to run this stupid viewer

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