Audio Hijack Pro

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Audio Hijack Pro

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Audio Hijack Pro icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Audio Hijack Pro drastically changes the way you use audio on your computer, giving you the freedom to listen to audio when you want and how you want. Record and enhance any audio with Audio Hijack Pro – it's the cornerstone of your digital audio experience.

Version 2.10.5
Developer Rogue Amoeba Software
Status Works fine

0 ratings

From Developer: As the site notes, Mac OS X 10.7 is fully supported

Archived comments

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Allison SheridanAllison SheridanAnonymous 21 Jun 2012 03:25

Rogue Amoeba Mountain Lion Status:

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Allison SheridanAllison SheridanNosillaCast 11 Jul 2012 03:46

according to

Audio Hijack Pro's basic functionality to capture and record any audio works on Mountain Lion. The Instant On component which provides instant capture of running applications, as well as capture of all System Audio, has preliminary support for Mountain Lion. However, the following issue exists:

Capturing audio from Safari and QuickTime Player on Mountain Lion currently requires that the Instant On component be installed.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ R. Barrett]R. BarrettAnonymous 02 Aug 2011 22:59

On their website, Rogue Amoeba states 2.9.13 does NOT fully support Lion:

Not yet fully supported on 10.7 (Lion).

Most of Audio Hijack Pro's basic functionality works. However, there are several known issues.

Known Issues
• As the Instant On component is not yet supported on Lion, capturing audio from running applications requires a relaunch.

• As well, capturing audio from System Audio (which also requires Instant On) is not yet possible.

• Hijacking QuickTime Player on Lion currently fails to capture streamed audio (it does work with local files).

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[ R. Barrett]R. BarrettAnonymous 12 Sep 2011 15:43

Version 2.10 is now out. Rogue Amoeba says it is now fully functional with Lion.

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