
Unknown in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Hyperspaces icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Hyperspaces is the ultimate way to customize your spaces. Customize each and every space the way you want using colors, desktop pictures, text labels and even the name of each space!

Version 1.1
Developer The CocoaBots
Website http://thecocoabots.com/hyperspaces
Status Unknown

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ mike]mikeAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 14:18

per developer, will not work on Lion due to removal of spaces.


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[ Freelancer486]Freelancer486Anonymous 23 Jul 2011 16:21

Uninstall Hyperspaces before upgrading to Lion.

I did not and had some grief. Hyperspaces was stealing the window focus every two seconds, making it nearly impossible to do anything with the system. Attempts to uninstall it failed as the system said Hyperspaces was in use. Force Quit did not work as HyperSpaces had not started completely and wasn't showing up in the running apps list. In the end I was able to rename Hyperspaces application/data directory, which prevented it from starting on next boot. It then uninstalled cleanly.

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[ kinz]kinzAnonymous 24 Jul 2011 15:07

Definitely uninstall before upgrading to Lion. I also made this mistake.

Easiest way to remove this application after installing Lion is to Safe Boot by holding Shift just after you hear the startup tone. From there you can navigate to ~/Applications/ and delete HyperSpaces. Reboot and you can then regain window focus!

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