Adobe Lightroom

Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Adobe Lightroom

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Adobe Lightroom icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

This is a duplicate app entry that is out of date. The formal name of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. See for the current app entry.

Version 4
Developer Adobe Systems
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Archived comments

No comments.7 comments

[ phil]philAnonymous 25 Jul 2012 11:49

The man from the Adobe Chat Online Service said to me that Adobe Lightroom 3.5 will not work on Moutain Lion!

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[ Marianne]MarianneAnonymous 03 Oct 2012 17:54

what about Lightroom 2? It is not listed

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[ ]helio334 23 Oct 2012 21:40

Lightroom 2.7 works fine on my Mountain Lion 10.8.2

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Lion (10.7) Comments

nicknickAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 13:00

works fine. No problems.

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[ Chris Hutcheson]Chris HutchesonAnonymous 05 Aug 2011 03:21

How is this different from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, listed below, which is shown as having problems. Same version number.

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[ Chris Whear]Chris WhearAnonymous 08 Aug 2011 17:26

Anyone know about earlier versions, 1.4 and 2.0?

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[ D. Bentum]D. BentumAnonymous 22 Aug 2011 22:24

If you selected a few images, press the N-key ('survey'-mode), and then press the L-key ('lights out' to dim Lightroom) a few times the outline / white border of the images is still visible. Lightroom v3.4.1, 64bit on Lion 10.7.1.

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