Lego Mindstorms Nxt

Works fine in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Lego Mindstorms Nxt

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Lego Mindstorms Nxt icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Lego Mindstorms NXT programming tool.

Version 2.1
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Update 7/28/12

Version 2.0f6 works great on Mountain Lion.


I installed the 2.1 app running the LegoMinsstroms???Edu.mpkg and then I followed the following instruction @

This works for Lion as well.

*** text from link ----»>
Here's the fix, thanks to and the forum, with an important addendum from this thread:

Copy all of the files from the install CD to a folder on your desktop. You will be modifying an installer package to disable a piece of it.
Find the Parts folder, then open it and find either MindstormsUnivEdu.pkg or MindstormsUnivRet.pkg. (Mine is the latter, I assume that's the "retail" version vs. the "educational" version.) Right-click and select "Show Package Contents."
Open Contents, then Resources. Right-click the preflight file and select "Move to Trash."
Navigate back to the MindstormsUniv….pkg bundle and double-click it to start the installer. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.
Back in the Parts folder, double-click legodriver.pkg and follow the instructions.

You can now go to /Applications/LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT and double-click MINDSTORMS to open the application. If you get an error about a file missing (error "1003"), make sure you did the last step with legodriver.pkg. You may still need to run the full installer (the one that offers to install Adobe Flash Player and requires that you reboot the computer) to install the engine directory.

Not functioning at all.

—-you can install it on loin by running LEGOMindstromsEngRet.mpkg. however when you run the application you get Error Code 1003:- "A required file is broken. " . I am still trying to figure out how to fix this.

Archived comments

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[ jr]jrAnonymous 10 Aug 2012 22:39

does not work on mountain lion, trying to establish a connection between NXT and mac it quits unexpectedly

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Lion (10.7) Comments

michaelmichaelAnonymous 23 Jul 2011 12:09

LEGO Mindstorms 2.1 won't start up in Lion. Suggest others try though.

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[ Paul Arden]Paul ArdenAnonymous 20 Aug 2011 01:35

Mindstorms is not functioning on Lion since it relies on Rosetta to work (the binary is still a PPC executable) and Rosetta has been completely removed from Lion and cannot be installed.

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[ Nam]NamAnonymous 18 Oct 2011 00:34

I have just installed Mindstroms Nxt 2.1 on my Lion 7.0.2. It's working OK so far. I have deleted :


I am not sure whether it is relevant or not though.

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[ Sunny]SunnyAnonymous 27 Nov 2011 17:18

I purchased an NXT 2.0 set used from an open box retailer a week ago. The box was beat up but all the parts were present. Tried to install but got the cross out icon on the CD installer, so I tried the above directions with a slight modification. So far so good. My steps for mac os X 10.7.2:

1) Follow all directions above.

NXT could not find resource file.

2) Reinstall using "MindstormsEngUnivRet.pkg". Retail CD-ROM v2.0

NXT interface now functional on my 2011 Macbook Pro. Have not yet tested actual programing and downloading code to the NXT brick.

Don't know if the performing step #2 in the first place instead of using "MindstormsUnivRet.pkg" first makes any difference. My Adobe Flash version is 10,2,159,1 per the Adobe website. I did not use the flash installer located on the CD.

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[ --marc]--marcAnonymous 16 Dec 2011 07:35

The bundled MINDSTORMS NXT-G has long been troublesome on the Snow Leopard and Lion.

So, with some investigation (many hours), I found a solution which (1) does not use Adobe Flash, (2) has a most recent NXT Firmware … ahead of LEGO’s release, (3) an updated Mac OS X to NXT communications drivers and (4) does not require Parallels.

Basically, LabVIEW which is the core technology of LEGO's MINDSTORMS software run native on Snow Leopard and Lion. Here are my installation notes…

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michaelmichaelAnonymous 15 Jan 2012 17:19

I wrote a little article on how to get Mindstorms software run on OSX Lion:

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