Default Folder X

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Default Folder X

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Default Folder X icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Default Folder X attaches a toolbar to the right side of the Open and Save dialogs in any OS X-native application. The toolbar gives you fast access to various folders and commands. You just click on the buttons to go to your favorite and recently used folders, manage the folders and files shown in the list, and make changes to your settings.

Version 4.5.11
Developer St. Clair Software
Status Works fine

0 ratings

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[ Eike]EikeAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 06:00

Version 4.4.12 (14186) => The shortcut (Cmd + D) for closing documents without saving does not work under mountain lion.

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[ Eike]EikeAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 08:08

Ok, Cmd + D for closing without saving is not broken! Already with Lion OS X switch this yearold shortcut to Cmd + Backspace (Delete). My bad! Nothing to worry about in connection with Default folder x and ML.

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[ Jim]JimAnonymous 04 Aug 2012 03:14

Saving TextEdit documents to iCloud by default seems to be disabled with Default Folder X.

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[ Marc Wilson]Marc WilsonAnonymous 14 Aug 2012 02:34

TextEdit and Default Folder X aren't disabled… it won't show you the iCloud choice and instead shows you the real sync path. Since I really have no reason whatsoever to use TextEdit (or iCloud documents) I haven't checked to see if saving the file THERE actually uploads it to iCloud.

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[ John Healy]John HealyAnonymous 06 Nov 2012 18:06

Updated to version 4.5 for Mountain Lion.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Richard Jones]Richard JonesAnonymous 06 Jul 2011 21:25

4.3 didn't work for me - upgrade to 4.4.1 works fine

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[ Michael Mebane]Michael MebaneAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 00:16

This app isn't working for me. Just downloaded Lion (OS 10.7) and it doesn't seem to work.

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[ bufalino]bufalinobufalino 21 Jul 2011 07:35

version 4.4.2 works fineā€¦

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[ ]luckylindy 04 Aug 2011 16:22

According to the developer, there are issues with sandboxed apps:

ME: > comments: Hi. Default Folder X doesn't come up in Text Edit or Preview…works darn fine in all other programs. Thanks.

DEV:>Sorry - that's a known issue (we addressed it in the FAQ and on the Default Folder X release page, but that's still not easy to find). It's due to the fact that TextEdit and Preview are "sandboxed" on Lion, which changes how the file dialogs work in very significant ways. We're working on a fix.

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