Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 is the industry-leading web authoring and editing software that provides both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standards-based websites and designs for the desktop, smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

Version 11.0.4
Developer Adobe Systems
Status Works fine

0 ratings

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[ jaae]jaaeAnonymous 16 Jun 2012 09:25


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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ laurent]laurentAnonymous 31 Jul 2011 13:39

It crashes evrytime, fed up with lion, i have to use dreamweaver through parallels desktop on windows 7… comment

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[ Angel V.]Angel V.Anonymous 01 Aug 2011 09:51

Been using it with my sites and it works fine with Lion OS.

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Steve KudelkoSteve KudelkoAnonymous 01 Aug 2011 13:57

I did a fresh installation of Mac OS X Lion and installed Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Edition as part of my standard deployment. After install, I always launch Photoshop and then Dreamweaver just to see if everything installed correctly, to activate my serial number, and to download the latest updates. I had absolutely no problem with Dreamweaver. Maybe there are bugs/problems when Dreamweaver is already installed and Lion is installed as an upgrade over 10.6 rather than a fresh install. I don't know. I just know that it's incorrect to label this application as "not working" and instead should just be listed as having "some problems."

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[ njbagger]njbaggerAnonymous 02 Aug 2011 12:47

I upgraded far SL to Lion and does NOT experience problems with Dreamweaver CS5.

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[ Ztajana]ZtajanaAnonymous 06 Aug 2011 03:11

So far, so good with fresh Lion install. laurent—do you have mackeeper? That caused DW5 to crash consistently (was running 10.6)

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simonsimonAnonymous 25 Aug 2011 22:40

Dreamweaver crashes all the time in Lion, mostly when using live view. We've had to go back to "previewing in browser" to cut down on the crashes. This happens on every mac we have in the studio which has been upgraded to lion.

Dreamweaver still crashes intermittantly when editing css too, but this is a bug which has been there since release and Adobe can't be bothered to solve. They'd much rather flog cs5.5 for another £600 upgrade.

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[ Rick]RickAnonymous 27 Aug 2011 04:06

Dreamweaver crashes constantly on new MacBook with Lion. Brand new purchase & install on new machine. Any view, even local, other than Code or Design freezes the program.

What a nightmare, and Adobe support is impossible to reach. Their "help" pages just loop back to the same pages. What a waste of hard-earned money, not to mention time. I bought this computer specifically to run this program, and it does not run.

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[ Chesley]Chesleyroguela 02 Sep 2011 23:02

Can confirm — live view is a nightmare. Have to go back to using the browser to see css changes … driving me crazy.

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[ ]Anonymous 03 Sep 2011 06:29

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simonsimonAnonymous 01 Oct 2011 19:20

I am in discussions with Adobe over the live view crashing problem when editing css.

I posted on the adobe forums and sent so many bug reports they eventually contacted me. I've been dealing with them for a month now and still no fix. Last week they logged onto Skype screen sharing and watched me go to Dreamweaver and do some simple css edits, just font sizes and positioning. Bang, it crashed within 20 seconds. I have sent them the exact Wordpress website, the database etc and they have set it up their end. (I use localhost and MAMP)
I'm waiting to hear the feedback and hopefully there will be a fix soon.

To those who mention "have you upgraded to Lion or done a fresh install". Adobe asked this and I have actually done an upgrade as a fresh install would take too ong and I have a business and deadlines.
However, there are others who have done a fresh install and still have problems. There may be some out there who don't have problems such as njbagger above but njbagger do you use Live view?

There may also be others who are using live view and don;t experience problems, that's what Adobe need to discover, what is causing it and how to stop it. Then hopefully it can be fixed through a software update or taking whatever action necessary.

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simonsimonAnonymous 01 Oct 2011 19:21

Anyone who hasn;t logged a bug report, do so here

I logged mine about 10 times in a row, that's how I drew attention to it! As well as screensharing Adobe also called me to discuss.

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[ R Lefko]R LefkoAnonymous 15 Oct 2011 22:18

Have not moved to Lion on my Mac Pro, but recently bought a MB Air the new 2011 model (13") and installed DW CS 5 on the machine.
I have had ZERO issues running DW on this Mac with Lion 10.7.2 installed.

Just an FYI…

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[ AtomicMrX]AtomicMrXAnonymous 21 Nov 2011 03:31

I was in fear of updating to OS 10.7 and finally had to do it. I have also ZERO problems with Adobe Dreamweaver 5.0 ~ awesome!

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