
Some problems in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7


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OS X benchmarking utility

Version 1.3
Website http://xbench.com
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Hangs up during Thread Test, Computation.

Just uncheck the Thread Test and rerun; rest of the tests work fine.

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[ Tom]TomAnonymous 12 Mar 2012 16:03

Yes, thread test still hanging on 10.7.3. Everything else seems to work fine.

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CybersphereCybersphereAnonymous 22 Apr 2012 23:07

Just ran XBench test for a client on BTO 3.06Ghz Core2Duo MacBook Pro (2009) with 8GB RAM running 10.7.2 Lion OS X and 'Thread test' hung also. Like others have recommended, remove the 'tick' and the rest of the test runs fine.

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[ molsar]molsarAnonymous 27 Jul 2012 20:19

yep, 10.8 hangs on thread…

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[ Mark3785]Mark3785Anonymous 08 Aug 2012 08:40

Is Xbench still supported? The results site has been down for quite some time.

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[ Daniele]DanieleAnonymous 03 Sep 2012 13:04

Same problem with a 2,4 Ghz Core2Duo iMac 2007 RAM 4GB update 10.8.1.
No thread test for me! :(

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[ Alan]AlanAnonymous 31 Oct 2012 14:01

xbench result: 290 (w/o Thread Test) Disk only: 370

Mtn Lion (10.8.2) Late2009 2.66GHz Core i5 8Gb RAM 240GB OWC 3G SSD

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Igor]IgorAnonymous 24 Jul 2011 21:14

Hangs up here at threading test as well.

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[ Sigivald]SigivaldAnonymous 06 Aug 2011 19:41

Worked on my iMac in 10.6.8, failed in Lion, so it's definitely a Lion problem rather than any hardware issue.

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[ Bruce]BruceAnonymous 29 Aug 2011 15:06

Same issue.

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[ ]Anonymous 31 Aug 2011 10:21

it just stopped at the computation part of the thread test :S

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[ huseyin]huseyinAnonymous 02 Sep 2011 01:49

same thread test hangs in lock contention test

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[ OT]OTOT 27 Oct 2011 20:21

Only the Threat Test hangs….just uncheck that one and run it again; and the rest of the test works fine.

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