
Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

GeekTool icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

geeklet settings not available. Cannot drag and drop icon to desktop. Running lion

Version 3.0.3
Developer Tynsoe
Status Works fine

0 ratings

App updated to work with Lion.

Archived comments

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ ]Jasoco 05 Apr 2011 23:35

Stock GeekTool does not work in Lion. The developer released a build for DP1, but has not released one for DP2. The DP1 build does not work right on DP2 yet.

While it semi-works on DP2, it has problems and freezes System Preferences most of the time. When it does work, all Geeklets are visible even on the Dashboard space and when going into Exposé mode. It's very buggy.

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[ Anowar Ali]Anowar AliAnonymous 26 Jun 2011 01:07

works on os x 10.7 dp4

make sure "Show in menu bar" is enabled, if the program crashes close the app using the menu bar shortcut, then go to system settings and re-enable the geektool….

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Bob VanBob VanAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 16:57

It works on Lion, but when entering mission control, the geeklets do not zoom with the background. They stay in the same place, covering over the items on the screen and looking very out of place.

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[ Rushir]RushirAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 20:22

The regular version won't let you edit geeklets in Lion but the Nightly version does. Good Luck!

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[ Dib]DibAnonymous 13 Aug 2011 20:59

There is a new 3.0.1 version which is on the Geektool download page. This version has also been submitted to the App Store. So far I have not had any issues running it under 10.7.

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Version 3.0.2 from MAS works fine even on 10.7.2 beta

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[ Marlon]Marlonmarlonkh 17 Sep 2011 18:58

Version 3.0.2 downloaded from MAS indicates that is is v3.0.1 on the app panel, but 3.0.2 when you select "About Geektool" from the apple menu.

Also, the tool opens but you can't configure anything…

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Marlyse ComteMarlyse ComteAnonymous 02 Dec 2011 18:13

Version 3.3.0 (12A) does not work in Lion if you want to create a new one or modify an existing one as the geeklet can not be selected, nor dragged.

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