
Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Unretiner icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version 1.3
Website http://www.bonobolabs.com/
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Dragging the image file into the app does not work. The resized image does not export. The only way to get it to work is to select the file using the '+' button.

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Peter JohnsonPeter JohnsonAnonymous 08 Mar 2012 22:16


Obviously you couldn't be expected to know how the new iPad would handle naming for retina graphics…

but instead of "filename~Ipad.png" becoming "filename~gnp.x2|dapI#gnp.x2|dapI" as we might have expected, it actually needs to become "filename@2x~Ipad.png". The code would need to look for files ending in "@2x~Ipad" and substitute "~Ipad", not just strip @2x off the end

Cheers, and thanks for a useful utility.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Rky]RkyAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 02:08

Dragging the image to the app to resize does not work. The file does not export. The only way it will work is by pressing the "+" and selecting the file.

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StephaneStephaneAnonymous 16 Aug 2011 12:01

drag and drop works for me but export to the same folder as the selected image is not working. it works only if you select a new folder. (was working correctly before)

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