
Doesn't work in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

MacLinkPlus icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

AppleWorks, Word, Wordperfect, Clarisworks, MS Works, Microsoft Office, DBase, Lotus, Quattro Pro and numerous other formats are supported in this spreadsheet, graphics, word processing and database formats. For a full listing of all the formats supported
Version 15, and 16 will work with Snow Leopard using Rosetta. Version 14 will only work on PowerPC Macs. It has since been discontinued, and no Universal version exists.

Version 16.000
Developer DataViz Inc.
Status Doesn't work

0 ratings

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Leonard KingLeonard KingAnonymous 09 Dec 2012 12:25

I just upgraded to Mountain Lion on my Mac. Since MacLinkPlus does not work on this operating system, does anyone know a similar product that translates files to Word?
Thank you.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Warren Tripp]Warren TrippAnonymous 03 Sep 2011 16:23

We need a replacement for MacLinkPlus since Lion dropped Rosetta!


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[ ]Anonymous 10 Sep 2011 22:08

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[ Brian G. Mason]Brian G. MasonAnonymous 17 Oct 2011 18:37

Dataviz apparently is no longer selling this product. They are selling DocsToGo which provides some of the old functionality. The last version was ver. 16, which required Rosetta to run.

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