
Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Quarkxpress icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Developer Quark
Website http://www.quark.com
Status Unknown

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[ kurisub]kurisubAnonymous 24 Jul 2012 20:42

I've had no problem running Quark 8 in Lion some I'm curious if everything is fine in 10.8? Anyone had a chance to run it on Mountain Lion yet?

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[ Fr. Ignatius]Fr. IgnatiusAnonymous 28 Jul 2012 15:26

I have been using QuarkXpress in Lion. I haven't had any problems. I want to make sure that it works in Mountain Lion…before I make the leap. Hopefully there are others who leap first, then look, then tell us it is not a problem…so I can move on to Mountain Lion.

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[ nickh]nickhAnonymous 29 Jul 2012 14:38

Seems to work in Mountain Lion, but so far discovered that output to pdf function missing. Not had much time to check other functions yet, but opens files ok and tools are accessible.

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[ nickh]nickhAnonymous 29 Jul 2012 16:14

Update to last submission: having reactivated licence export to pdf now available.

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[ Eric8199]Eric8199Anonymous 29 Jul 2012 20:59

I've done some minor playing and it seems to work just fine on my retina MacBook Pro in Mountain Lion. Doing some heavy production the next two days so will report back after.

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[ Fr. Ignatius]Fr. IgnatiusAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 01:09

This is from "forum.quark.com/p/29012/114705.aspx#114705

Greg Hankins says the following:

I'm testing QXP 8.5.1 on a Mountain Lion install to an external hard drive. I cloned my main hard drive onto the external (and that included Quark), upgraded to Mountain Lion, and fired up Quark.
Thus far, I am having spontaneous crashes — even with no document open — after a few seconds. I have pated in the top portion of the crash report below, in case anyone can enlighten me as to its meaning.
It occurs to me that the problem could be Gatekeeper and I need to reinstall 8.5.1 from scratch.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ marshalldrw]marshalldrwAnonymous 06 Sep 2011 12:40

Upgraded to Lion over the weekend just gone after serious consideration regarding all my professional apps, mainly Quark and Adobe, as my March 2009 MacBook Pro is my working machine. Also spent plenty of time reading through this website!

Quark v8.5 appears to work as far as I can see, the only issue I have come across is the automatic upgrade process which does not work due to the auto update server being "temporarily withdrawn" at the moment. BUT, Quark support say that itwill be available soon.

I was also told that v8.5 is "… not compatible with Mac OS 10.7.x…" and that I will need to upgrade to v9.1.

Hope this helps!

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[ CJ]CJAnonymous 08 Nov 2011 08:09

So far Quark Xpress 8.5.1 worked fine, although I realized the program seems to freeze often and can only be quitted by force quit. It even crashed my macbook so strongly yesterday, that I had to reformat the whole thing and reinstall.

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