Adobe Application Manager CS5.5

Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Adobe Application Manager CS5.5

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Adobe Application Manager CS5.5 icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Developer Adobe Systems
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Will run and will download updates but fails on updating applications. User can go to ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/Install folder and manually perform the updates from the individual disk images - not ideal but does work.

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[ ]Anonymous 19 Jun 2012 13:45

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Lion (10.7) Comments

Brady J. FreyBrady J. FreyAnonymous 06 Jul 2011 16:37

In my case, the application won't even download the updates, so the Notes fix won't work. I receive a nice "Error loading Updater workflow":

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[ Stuart Crisp]Stuart CrispAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 00:35

My CS5 apps *did* update and install properly post Lion install.
But I went to the Apple site and installed the Apple-endorsed 10.7 compliant Java runtime first.
I then verified everything was OK in the Java Preferences pane of Applications/Utilities.

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[ Kevin]KevinAnonymous 26 Jul 2011 08:09

Works fine on my Mid 2010 Macbook Pro 10.7

But Apple still hasn't fixed the NVDIA GPU problem…

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GeorgeGeorgeAnonymous 09 Aug 2011 19:55

Apple has become a joke. HIRE MORE PROGRAMMERS you fucks! Make your software work you slave labor dogs! You elitist pig, Steve Jobs. All these fevering egos…..

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AndreAndreAnonymous 21 Aug 2011 10:03

Updates are not possible, because AAM icon is bouncing indefinitely after start and doesn't launch any window. Console log contains no related errors or lines.
I have downloaded the latest version of AAM from and tried to launch the installer, but without some success… It doesn't even start!
Could someone help? Maybe someone have already resolved this problem?
Thank you in advance for your answers!

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AndreAndreAnonymous 23 Aug 2011 06:32

I have resolved this problem by accomplishment of this procedure:

1) Download and reinstall Java for Lion from here
2) Reboot your Mac in single user mode (Command-S while it restarts)
3) Made "Repair Disk Permissions" in Disk Utility
4) Re-download Adobe Application Manager from here
5) Reinstall Adobe Application Manager
6) Reboot your Mac

Now everything is fine with AAM.

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wolfgangwolfgangAnonymous 04 Dec 2011 22:37

Andre's solution worked for me
even though when I ran the permissions check noting came up…
but AAM does work now..
I used the AAM 2.0


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[ Nasius]NasiusAnonymous 28 Dec 2011 23:05

And me.

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[ Dave]DaveAnonymous 05 Feb 2012 05:47

Me Too — thanks!

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