
Some problems in 10.8

Unknown in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

KisMac icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

WiFi Finder

Version 0.3.4(alpha 1)
Developer Open Source
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Tested in 10.8

App opens, and you can start a scan, but it never finds anything in active mode. Work in passive mode with some problem and very slow.

Archived comments

No comments.23 comments

[ Jorge]JorgeAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 16:40

I'm having issues with KisMac 0.3.3 on Mountain Lion. No joy, keeps on crashing.

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[ Lars]LarsAnonymous 08 Aug 2012 11:02

0.3.3 on Mountain Lion not crashing but not working either - no APs seen

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[ Sou]SouAnonymous 17 Aug 2012 10:04

Kismac 0.3.3 doesn't work at all. I'm pretty new to this but can't get even get it to scan…Please HELP!!

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[ mario]marioAnonymous 17 Aug 2012 16:31

0.3.3 on mountain lion crashing & not working at all,really reaaallllyyyy hope that there will be an update soon cuz it worked fine on os x lion

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[ kls]klsAnonymous 22 Aug 2012 20:46

Crashes on Mountain Lion when I start scanning. :(

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[ t]tAnonymous 23 Aug 2012 11:11

10.8.1 same as kls
crash after start scanning in passive mode on mb air and mini

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[ MacPupas]MacPupasAnonymous 26 Aug 2012 17:50

Kismac 0.33 funciona en Mountain Lion. No se cuelga. Capturados 17.000 paq UniqIV con mi Alfa 1mega

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Andrei ZAndrei ZAnonymous 31 Aug 2012 16:27

Yep. It's crashing for me too in 10.8

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[ Pritesh]PriteshAnonymous 01 Sep 2012 15:33

I get what Lars has - no crashing but AP's aren't seen.

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[ KK]KKAnonymous 04 Sep 2012 16:43

wont crash but nothing showing, does anyone know how to fix this?

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[ frank]frankAnonymous 14 Sep 2012 13:43

no ap's showing up for my ML either.

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[ mark]markAnonymous 23 Sep 2012 21:52

Crashes when I hit start scan
Mountain lion 10.8.1 MBPr

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[ LordNikon]LordNikonAnonymous 26 Sep 2012 01:22

10.8 and crashing….

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[ ]Anonymous 20 Oct 2012 02:19

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[ Dallas]DallasAnonymous 30 Oct 2012 22:04

0.3.3 keeps crashing on os x mountain lion. Please release an update soon.

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[ SniBBz]SniBBzAnonymous 16 Nov 2012 16:40

Garbage!!! crashes for me running 10.8

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Lion (10.7) Comments

SteveSteveAnonymous 05 Jul 2011 14:46

FYI, KisMAC 0.2.99 is about 2 years old. The present one is 0.3.3


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[ ]robspeed 27 Jul 2011 12:12

KisMAC 0.3.3 doesn't work in Lion. No results are returned when using the active-mode driver.

I haven't yet tested with a passive driver, but I'll comment again once I have the chance.

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[ juan]juanAnonymous 09 Aug 2011 00:40

Confirming it does not work :-(

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[ Neil]NeilAnonymous 18 Aug 2011 23:01

Maybe this helps:

Just boot Lion on 32-bit by holding 3 and 2 keys at startup

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[ bob]bobAnonymous 25 Sep 2011 09:57

KisMAC 0.3.3 on Lion crashes after a while for me on both 64-bit and 32-bit

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KrisKrisAnonymous 06 Dec 2011 21:24

Re-check the page

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[ bob]bobAnonymous 01 Jan 2012 22:24

That page is only for external USB cards, not for the built-in Airport card

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