Harmony Assistant

Unknown in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

Harmony Assistant

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Harmony Assistant icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Harmony Assistant is an unbeatable software for computer-assisted music composition and editing. Its harmonizing capabilities enable the composer to build quickly and efficiently tunes that include accompaniment, multiple instruments and drum patterns.

Version 9.6.2m
Website http://www.myriad-online.com/en/index.htm
Status Unknown

0 ratings

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[ ]beachcomber 13 Mar 2012 07:13

Works ok for me on Lion 10.7.3.

Tested with MusicXML, midi, piano/guitar scores, lyrics, karaoke midi (*.kar), Virtual Singer computerized singing voices.

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[ ]beachcomber 30 Apr 2012 16:20

Harmony installer updates may produce error instead of prompting for authentication.

A work around is to change the default install directory from /Applications to …/Desktop to avoid the /Applications access error. Then drag 'n drop the Harmony Assistant application to the /Applications folder.

This issue was noted with the v9.6.2i update.

Once installed, the application has been working OK.

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