SRS iWOW Premium

Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7

SRS iWOW Premium

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

SRS iWOW Premium icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Patented solutions in iWOW Premium greatly improve the playback of audio by creating an expansive sound stage, putting you, the listener, in the center of the performance. iWOW Premium also restores audio cues that are buried in the original source material so your music and video files sound more natural and detailed.

The highly intuitive and aesthetically designed iWOW Premium user interface provides you with easy-to-use presets and a stylish graphical representation of your music.

Version 3.3.1
Status Works fine

0 ratings

3.3.1 works fine on Mountain Lion GM.

iTunes Plugin.

Archived comments

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ monkeybird]monkeybirdmonkeybird 14 Jul 2011 18:03

Jesus Ceja of SRS Labs emailed me on 7/14/2011:

"We are currently aware of the issue with our plug-in and Appleā€™s new OS. We are currently working on a resolution and once we have resolved the issue we will go ahead and post that update on our website."

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[ Manitoo]ManitooAnonymous 14 Aug 2011 14:44


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[ Manitoo]ManitooAnonymous 14 Aug 2011 14:44

This interim solution does not work on Leopard ! Currently this application is totally incompatible with Lion and Leopard , iTunes 4.10

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[ Manitoo]ManitooManitoo 23 Aug 2011 18:20

I had found great difficulty in the application , even this procedure is incomplete. Here's how:
1) close iTunes
2) MAC with LION , go to the Finder, then under " Go " + Alt
3) In the library, go under "Preferences"
4) put in the trash : com.srs.iwow.plist
5) ditto for : com.srs.iwow.plist.lockfile
6) reinstall iWOW for iTunes MAC premium + license key to
7) restart iTunes.

careful not to forget to put iTunes in 32 bits ! you have to launch an iTunes error message, put simply OK until the update for 64- Bit .

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[ Manitoo]ManitooAnonymous 30 Aug 2011 18:13

Today Tuesday, August 29, 2011 , new version 3.3 which works fine in 32 bits . Not tried in 64 Bits

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[ Chris]ChrisAnonymous 18 Sep 2011 16:40

Version 3.3 now provides full support for 64 bit iTunes on Mac OS X Lion.

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