Heroes of Newerth

Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Heroes of Newerth

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Heroes of Newerth icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store
Version 2.6.11
Developer S2 Games
Website http://www.heroesofnewerth.com
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Frequent crashes of the client happens for consecutive games (only on OS X)
usually with new updates from S2games the game fails, we have to wait for a new patch or a quickfix from the staff

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Lion (10.7) Comments

KevinKevinAnonymous 02 Jul 2011 03:59

So we can play HON on Lion right ? ! 1 of my fav game ! lol

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[ Other Players]Other PlayersAnonymous 18 Nov 2011 19:46

Yes, you can still play HoN on Lion 10.7.2, however the only sounds that will be able to be heard in-game are those of voice chat. Currently S2 has been completely silent on the issue for over 6+ weeks now, and those who have contacted them directly have either been ignored or been told to downgrade their OS.

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[ lionadd]lionaddAnonymous 18 Dec 2011 06:57

guys but if we do a clean instal and when we update to lion we wont get 10.7.2 automatically? its the version available on app store, how can i get 10.7.1?

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[ Ethan]EthanAnonymous 03 Jan 2012 23:32

Take it to the apple store. Tell them you want to downgrade because of the API change. They are doing it for me as I type this

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