
Some problems in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7


Supports iCloud

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Supports retina graphics

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Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

ZBrush is a digital sculpting and painting program that has revolutionized the 3D industry with its powerful features and intuitive workflows. Built within an elegant interface, ZBrush offers the world's most advanced tools for today's digital artists. With an arsenal of features that have been developed with usability in mind, ZBrush creates a user experience that feels incredibly natural while simultaneously inspiring the artist within. With the ability to sculpt up to a billion polygons, ZBrush allows you to create limited only by your imagination.

Version 4.0, 4R3, 4R4, 4R5
Website http://www.pixologic.com/zbrush/features/zbrush4/overview
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Not extensively tested, but as of Lion DP4, seems to work fine.

Edit: There are problems with stuttering while working when using an Intuos tablet. This issue will probably exist also with other tablets. Not sure if it's the tablet's driver, Lion's graphics driver or an issue with ZBrush, but right now it's almost unusable when using one of those tablets.

Edit 2: The problem can be fixed to a certain degree when using the newest Wacom driver and disabling multi-draw in ZBrush. After that, the stuttering happens a lot less.

Edit 3: The problem seems to be related to Wacom's Drivers. When drivers are completely uninstalled, the pen works normally in ZBrush, except the pen loses functionality (i.e. it becomes a "mouse").

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[ Bob]BobAnonymous 23 Feb 2012 19:03

I am having the same jitter-stutter issues. I am using ZBrush4R2, Intuos4, and Mac 10.7.3 (Lion). There are no jitter problems when using a separate mouse or the trackpad, but the second I bring the pen to the tablet the jittering begins.

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[ drew]drewAnonymous 17 Mar 2012 07:17

got the same problem just bought a new iMac for for zbrush and can use it. did anyone solve it ?

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[ Esteban]EstebanAnonymous 24 Mar 2012 06:20

Hello, thank you all for share this valuable info.

I recently bought an Imac and it came with Lion 10.7.2 (11C74) installed. I was very happy because I said to myself "Yes at last I can practice 3D with a nice machine" and yesterday before install, I decided to search info about how some 3D app works in the system and found these sad news.

I dont know if at the moment the upcomming Zbrush R3 solves those issues just hope it does. My doubt is if I install Snow Leopard, Zbrush 4 / Zbrush 4 R2b will work fine without those issues with Wacom tablets ?

Thanks Again for your attention.

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RafalRafalAnonymous 06 Apr 2012 10:32

Hi folks I have the same problem, I recently installed Lion osx on my mac and my tablet started to work very bad, it started to punctuate. I need it to work smoothly, as before, I'm graphic designer and just work with it. It's completely useless in such applications as Zbrush. I had Snow Leopard before and everything was fine.
What could cause such behaviour? F…. :(

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[ Tyler]TylerAnonymous 28 Jun 2012 10:38

I just picked up a Mac because I thought that Zbrush would run better. I should have read comments across the web about it first…

I'm having the lag problems and I see that as soon as I touch the stylus to my Cintiq or even my Bamboo the Activity Monitor shoots up to around 100%. When using the mouse it's about 1%. I'm pretty disappointed about this and I can't see any resolution on any site I visit. The closest I can get is the pseudo fix listed at the top of the page which makes Zbrush usable at least.

I know the last comment here was in February but has there been any updates? I have the latest driver dated 14 June (6.3.2-w4). Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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[ Tyler]TylerAnonymous 29 Jun 2012 07:06

After posting this I found a user on Zbrush Central who had an interesting solution. He suggested installing Steam and running it in the background while using ZBrush. I just tried it, while I still had to turn off Multi Draw it works great! I don't know why it works but it does. Just wanted to throw another solution for anyone that may need it.

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[ Chris]ChrisAnonymous 26 Jul 2012 23:57

Do these problems only occur when using a tablet?

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[ Bevan]BevanAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 05:50

To confirm:

Just purchased a wacom intuos 5 L and I too get the stuttering in zbrush 4 R3 using osx lion and the latest wacom drivers. When I use the same wacom on a mac with osx snow leapard and zbrush 4 R3 it works perfectly.

I can only assume then that it is an issue with lion… the problem of course is how do we get it fixed? This intuos wasn't cheap and is pretty useless at the moment.

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[ Ryan]RyanAnonymous 31 Jul 2012 17:53

Does this still happen with Mountain Lion? Currently using Lion and getting the stuttering problem.

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[ muumi]muumiAnonymous 08 Sep 2012 13:29

Latest drivers with Mountain lion and the same s**t! The best thing is that the new iMacs don't support snow leopard. (Render times were twice as long compared to Lion)

I wish i could bring this piece of technology back to appstore.

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[ Mustafa]MustafaAnonymous 28 Sep 2012 10:48


Strangely I get the same delay problem with my MacBook Pro but not my MacPro.
Both have Moutain Lion, both ZBRush 4R4 and both connected to the same Cintiq !!

I wonder if it's the GPU?

Anyhow my mac pro runs smoothly without any jitter.

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RafalRafalAnonymous 04 Oct 2012 14:05

I think it's a hardware problem maybe, and when you have something else on your desk can interfere with it. Still doesn't work properly with Zbrush.

…. but mudbox (osx 10.8) works fine, so what's going on?

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[ Jeejee]JeejeeAnonymous 05 Oct 2012 22:03


I have ZBrush 4R4 installed and a Mac Pro, my problem is that the CPU is 100% all the time when running ZBrush 4R4. Wondering if yours is like that too?!

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[ Eduardo]EduardoAnonymous 17 Oct 2012 15:54

Argh… this piece of crap doesn't work… My Bamboo Fun tablet won't work on my office's 21.5-in Mid-2011 iMac, but my home's 27-in Mid-2011 iMac's Intuos 4 tablet DOES work flawlessly. Whatever the problem is… it definitely makes the tablet useless in ZBrush…

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[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K3ISDniE-c&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K3ISDniE-c&feature=plcp]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K3ISDniE-c&feature=plcpAnonymous 21 Oct 2012 13:03


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[ Jul]JulAnonymous 01 Nov 2012 00:08

Same issue here on Mountain Lion, but with a Bamboo Pen & Touch. Using latest Wacom driver (5.2.6-5) and no luck. I'll have to install Snow Leopard again on a separate partition so I can boot to it for hassle-free work.
As a Mac-computer-for-content-creation fan and completely knowing that the following is not gonna happen, my very humble and very likely non-visionary opinion is:
Apple should re-issue their OS X 10.6.8 as "OS X Pro" and maintain it for at least 5 more years, and keep developing their Mac iOS X transgenic Lion for iDevice lovers.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Martin]MartinAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 15:06

Actually, ZBrush does not work fine if you use a Wacom tablet or at least an Intuos 3 or 4. Either the tablet's driver, ZBrush or something on Lion's side leads to jittering and stuttering when drawing, which practically makes it unusable. It starts fine, it works fine if you use a mouse to work, but it does not in conjunction with a tablet. (At least on two of my three Macs I tested it with.)

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[ Dan Bolivar]Dan BolivarAnonymous 26 Aug 2011 14:26

@ Martin, You're an idiot.. Truly.
I've NEVER had any issues with zbrush+Wacom, quite to the contrary.
Maybe you should return two of your 'macs' and keep one just for posting more nonsense.

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[ Felipe]FelipeAnonymous 08 Sep 2011 02:49

Dan Bolivar is right… Zbrush and wacom are pettry much brothers :S

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[ Martin]MartinAnonymous 16 Sep 2011 23:41

@ Dan: I invite you to come here to my office and take a look. After you've seen what I am talking about first-hand, I invite you to take a closer look at this issue and you will probably find out that there are some Mac models where this error occurs and others where it doesn't.
And after that, if you still think that I'm an idiot, you can stand before me and tell this to my face instead of here, anonymously. You seriously need to take a minute and think about your manners. I'm happy that you don't have any issues with ZBrush and Lion, but that probably has nothing to do with you being such a non-idiotic genius, but with the hardware combination you use. Oh, and maybe you find the time to take a look in the official ZBrush support forums where you'll find plenty of others who are "true idiots" as well.
And now go f…eel yourself.

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[ Dave]DaveAnonymous 17 Nov 2011 17:23

I am having precisely the same problem that that idiot Martin is. I truly wish I was smarter like Dan

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[ Dave]DaveAnonymous 17 Nov 2011 17:36

The note above works!.. Truly.

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[ Jonathan]JonathanAnonymous 28 Jan 2012 20:24

I've confirmed this too. The trick to disable multidraw works, seems like a shame though. No fix to this?

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alicealiceAnonymous 07 Feb 2012 13:58

i am facing this exact error like martin's done.
is there any solution on this issue? really appreciate someone know how to solve this…
been looking in the web with no answer until now.

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[ muumi]muumiAnonymous 16 Feb 2012 01:54

Same problem here. I even bought more ram because somebody suggested on Zbrush forum that it should do the trick. But it did not. I tried with new wacom 6.2 driver (for intuos4) and tested on new Zbrush 4 r2b, but still same jittering-stuttering when drawing in Zbrush. Disabling the multidraw makes sculpting a bit more smoother, but with higher polycount lion starts to freeze much more earlier than the snow leopard. (lol)
I mean this is serious issue. Some people has this problem and others don't. I still haven't heard any solutions from wacom, nor pixologic, nor apple.

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