Monaco EZ color

Unknown in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7

Monaco EZ color

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Monaco EZ color icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

This color management program appears to be PowerPC only and the version I have, which works well, is dated 2002. Originally developed by Monaco Systems, the program was purchased by X-Rite at some point but appears to no longer be offered.

Version 2.6
Developer X-Rite
Status Unknown

0 ratings

Does not work at all as it is PowerPC only and requires Rosetta.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Michael Wenyon]Michael WenyonAnonymous 03 Sep 2011 08:05

Thinking of trying to run the Windows version of this software (I think the license number works in both Mac and Windows versions) using Crossover as a virtual Windows machine (or another virtual Windows machine if that does not work). Anyone try this?

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Michael WenyonMichael WenyonAnonymous 08 Sep 2011 08:22

So far so good. Working in Snow Leopard on a Mac Air, I could install the Windows version of EZColor with Crossover. I opened the application and stepped through several stages, but do not have data files to test it with. Presume I'll need to print out the standard test pattern in, say, Photoshop, in Lion, with color management off, then scan it, again in Lion, and finally bring that scan file into EZColor in Windows in Crossover for processing into a profile. In otherwords, I won't try to depend on hardware connections between the EZColor on Windows and my printer and scanner.

I'll try and report back when I have upgraded this machine to Lion, to confirm EZColor is still working in Crossover in Lion.

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[ Michael Wenyon]Michael WenyonAnonymous 08 Sep 2011 08:25

Notes on the installation process using CrossOver (for what it is worth):

1. Install CrossOverDownload EZColor installer for Windows.
2. Run CrossOver, choose Install Software, choose 'Other Software', choose installer file, start
3. Window will open telling you to open/run an installer file in a temporary folder on the C: drive
4. navigate to this installer file in the Finder (in Library>Application Support>Crossover>name of bottle>C: drive), make Finder winder visible
5. in CrossOver, choose menu Programs>Run Command…, then choose the correct (new) bottle from the pop up, then drag the installer file above into the box, inserting the filepath, and click run
6. Cancel installation process in CrossOver
7. double click EZColor file in Finder to launch it, or choose it in the Programs menu in CrossOver

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[ Michael Wenyon]Michael WenyonAnonymous 08 Sep 2011 08:26

Also: Created a new Windows XP bottle for the EZColor installation.

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[ Michael Wenyon]Michael WenyonAnonymous 08 Sep 2011 08:28

Also: of course you do need a valid serial number to EZColor for this to work

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