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Have questions about using this JSON feed? No worries. You can contact me @RoaringApps or at [email protected] - I'll be only too happy to help.
RoaringApps JSON Feed
While not a true API, a JSON feed of all OS X applications in the RoaringApps database is available at the following url:
The feed is updated daily. It is in the following format:
{ "Application name": { "id" : , "title": , ... }, //e.g. "Safari": { "id":"32", "title":"Safari", "mtn_status": "works_fine", //Mountain Lion (10.8) status "status":"2", //Lion (10.7) status "store":"0", "version":"5.2", "developer":"developer:apple", "developer_name":"Apple", "url":"", "icon":"icon:ssafari/SSafari.png", "app_store_link":"", "cache_updated": "Jul 12 2012 14:16:29" //when this information was fetched } }
To generate a URL to the application's page on RoaringApps, replace <id> in the following URL with the application id:<id>
To get the application icon:<icon>
To get a link to the developer's profile:<developer>